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2 Press F5 to begin Power Point Click to start show

3 Start GameWelcome to Waves Jeopardy! Move over, Alex! Let a real man show you how Jeopardy SHOULD be played!

4 100 1 G Ga me Boa rd Final Stops music Board fill 100 Orbits II MISCMISS 100 200 300 400 500 300 400 500 Circles © 2014

5 R1C1 What’s the equation for centripetal force? timer 100 timer

6 R1C1A timer 100

7 R2C1 2ad In terms of rotational quantities, what is the 2ad equation? timer 200

8 R2C1A timer 200

9 R3C1 What two quantities did Newton equate to prove Kepler’s 3 rd Law? timer 300

10 R3C1A F g = F c timer 300

11 R4C1 Kepler’s 2 nd Law states… timer 400

12 R4C1A Imaginary line, equal triangle areas thing. timer 400

13 R5C1 What is tangential velocity? timer 500

14 R5C1A Regular linear velocity vector, v, pointing tangent to circle. timer 500

15 R1C2 G = ? timer 100

16 R1C2A timer 100

17 R2C2 The Earth is 81 times the mass of the Moon. Earth pulls on the Moon with a force of F. With what force does the Moon pull on the Earth? timer 200

18 R2C2A F timer 200

19 R3C2 If the Sun were to suddenly collapse to form a black hole, what happens to us in the short term? timer 300

20 R3C2A timer 300 Nothing…

21 R4C2 Satellites orbit because they are essentially… timer 400

22 R4C2A timer 400 Long-range projectiles

23 R5C2 Escape velocity is given by Calculate your R if you were to be a black hole. timer 500

24 R5C2A timer 500

25 R1C3 Hubble has mass M. New Webb telescope is 2M. Where will Webb’s orbit be compared to Hubble? timer 100

26 R1C3A Anywhere they want it! R is M independent. timer 100

27 R2C3 Comet ISON was really weird because it’s orbit is/was… timer 200

28 R2C3A timer 200 An open parabola / Hyperbola.

29 R3C3 In terms of Newton’s Law of Universal Gravity, what is the acceleration of gravity? timer 300

30 R3C3A timer 300

31 R4C3 Given that Comet Halley has a period of 76 years, what is its average radius of orbit? timer 400

32 R4C3A timer 400

33 R5C3 Quickly explain how Einstein’s view of gravity differs from Newton’s. timer 500

34 R5C3A Einstein: Warpage Newton: Instant F timer 500

35 R1C4 Equation for angular momentum timer 100

36 R1C4A timer 100

37 R2C4 Splain why a skater spins faster when arms brought in. timer 200

38 R2C4A timer 200

39 R3C4 BOTH expressions for Torque? timer 300

40 R3C4A timer 300

41 R4C4 What is the relationship between F and R in order to be a torque? timer 400

42 R4C4A F  R timer 400

43 R5C4 What would the equation be for the work done by a torque? timer 500

44 R5C4A timer 500

45 R1C5 When was the 1 st Thanksgiving? timer 100

46 R1C5A 1641 timer 100

47 R2C5 In what year was the 1 st Pumpkin Pie recipe recorded? timer 200

48 R2C5A 1796 timer 200

49 DD timer

50 R3C5A MMXV timer 300

51 R4C5 Which American President was 1 st to declare a Day of Thanksgiving? timer 400

52 R4C5A George Washington 1789 timer 400

53 R5C5 What year did Congress make Thanksgiving a National Holiday? timer 500

54 R5C5A 1941 timer 500

55 R1C6 TP1 timer 100

56 R1C6A timer 100

57 R2C6 TP2 timer 200

58 R2C6A timer 200

59 R3C6 What river supplies 1/3 of the US’s hydroelectric power? timer 300

60 R3C6A The Columbia timer 300

61 R4C6 1 st number in order counting upward from zero that uses an ‘a’ in its spelling timer 400

62 R4C6A 1000 (thousand) timer 400

63 R5C6 Star Trek: Capt Spock’s blood type? timer 500

64 R5C6A T - timer 500

65 Daily Double Place wager Press to show clue

66 Daily Double Clue This Senior group’s graduation year in Roman Numerals

67 Final Jeopardy Acronyms Show Clue Place Wagers and then press

68 Final Jeopar dy Clue Click mouse to start timer RADAR

69 RA D AR RAdio Detection And Ranging

70 TitleThank you for playing Science Jeopardy!

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