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FUNCTIONAL RESPONSE. Fig. 7.20 in Molles 2008.

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4 Fig. 7.20 in Molles 2008

5 Different Light Environments AdiantumEncelia

6 Fig. 7.21 in Molles 2008 Forest Understory Plants Forest Canopy Plants


8 Functional Response Fig. 7.22 in Molles 2008

9 Prey Density

10 Food Intake Prey Density

11 Fig. 7.23 in Molles 2008 Functional Response: Controlled Experiment

12 Fig. 7.24 in Molles 2008 Functional Response: Natural Environments


14 Predatory Water Bug Prey: Mayfly Larva Prey: Isopod vs.


16 How do Red-Winged Blackbirds Allocate Energy? 12 3 4

17 How do Cacti Allocate Energy? 5 6 9

18 Optimal Foraging Theory (Derived from Economics) Energy Supplies are Limited Organisms cannot maximize all functions Allocation of Energy is a Compromise between Needs

19 Bluegill How do Organisms Select a Diet?

20 MODEL FOR ENERGY YIELD: ONE PREY ITEM E T = N e1 E 1 - C s __________________ 1 + N e 1 H 1

21 ETET = CsCs = H1H1 = N e1 =

22 E T = (N e1 E 1 – C s ) _____________________________________________ 1 + N e1 H 1 + N e2 H 2 + (N e2 E 2 – C s ) TWO PREY ITEMS

23 DIET CHOICE: Optimization N e1 E 1 - C s __________________ 1 + N e1 H 1 (N e1 E 1 – C s ) _____________________________________________ 1 + N e1 H 1 + N e2 H 2 + (N e2 E 2 – C s ) OR ONE PREY ITEM TWO PREY ITEMS ETET = ETET =

24 Bluegill ?

25 Actual Food Availability in the Environment Prey Length (mm) Fig. 7.25 in Molles 2008

26 Bluegill Optimal Diet (Prediction from Theory) Fig. 7.25 in Molles 2008

27 Bluegill Actual Diet Prey Length (mm) Fig. 7.25 in Molles 2008

28 Optimal Foraging Theory Observed Bluegill Diet Fig. 7.25 in Molles 2008

29 Optimal Foraging Theory Applied to Plants Light Level Soil Fertility

30 Fig. 7.26 in Molles 2008 Energy Allocation to Roots

31 Fig. 7.27 in Molles 2008 Energy Allocation to Roots

32 1 2 Red_wing_blackbird_nest_in_c.jpg 3 20566%20wing%20jul06.jpg 4 5 6 7 3606144_saquaro_cactus_skeleton.jpg 8

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