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9/18/14 Objective: How do living things get their energy? Do Now:

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Presentation on theme: "9/18/14 Objective: How do living things get their energy? Do Now:"— Presentation transcript:

1 9/18/14 Objective: How do living things get their energy? Do Now: Recall the levels of organization, what is an ecosystem?

2 Ecology Biotic factors: all of the living things
ecology: the interactions between organisms and their environment Biotic factors: all of the living things Abiotic factors: non-living conditions

3 Types of organisms Producers (autotrophs): make their own food
Energy from the sun Consumers (heterotrophs): eat other organisms for energy Herbivores: eat plants Carnivores: eat animals Omnivores: eats both plants and animals Decomposers: break down remains of plants and animals

4 Food Chains Draw the Arrows: This is a food chain Grass Insect Bird
Fox Where does the initial energy come from? How does each organism obtain their energy? A food chain is a sequence in which energy is transferred from one organism to the next as each organism eats another organism

5 - The arrows show the FLOW OF ENERGY
Food Webs Food webs are interconnected food chains that show many feeding relationships hawk Bird snake mouse insect seeds grass - The arrows show the FLOW OF ENERGY

6 Food Webs Energy flows in one direction. Which direction?
Energy flows from producers to herbivores to carnivores to decomposers

7 Factors that affect stability
- Food webs more stable than food chains - Removing or adding organisms can be harmful to the stability

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