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Birds of North America Book By: American Museum of Natural History Project By: Ryan Donley.

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Presentation on theme: "Birds of North America Book By: American Museum of Natural History Project By: Ryan Donley."— Presentation transcript:

1 Birds of North America Book By: American Museum of Natural History Project By: Ryan Donley

2 Instructions 1.Pick a writer at your table. 2.Listen as I read the question. You will be given 3 answer choices, except for bonus questions. 3.Discuss the answer with your group. 4.Write your answer on your table’s white board. 5.Cole will keep track of the score. 6.The winning table will receive a prize. Good luck!


4 Name this call : 3. A: Owl B: Mourning Dove C: Pigeon 4. A: Oriole B: Whip-poor-will C: Finch

5 Bird calls Name this call : BONUS! 2 points

6 ID that bird! A: Robin B: Starling C: Finch A: Cardinal B: Thrush C: Red Finch

7 ID that bird! A: Bee bird B: Hummingbird C: Finch A: Pileated woodpecker B: Downy woodpecker C: Ivory-billed woodpecker

8 ID that bird! A: Black and White Finch B: Chickadee C: Towhee A: Bluebird B: Blue Finch C: Blue Jay

9 ID that bird! Name this bird : BONUS! 2 points

10 Fastest\Farthest 1. Who has the fastest wing beats? A: Humming Bird B: Hummingbird C: Kite 2. Who can fly the fastest? A: Peregrine Falcon B: Prairie Falcon C: Hummingbird 3. Who migrates the Farthest? A: Arctic Tern B: Peregrine Falcon C: Hummingbird 4. Who weighs the most? A: White Pelican B: Frigate bird C: Bald Eagle

11 Birds Of Prey 1. What is the national bird of USA? A: Cardinal B: Black Hawk C: Bald Eagle 2. Which bird has a truly bald head? A: Black Vulture B: Bald Eagle C:Red-Tailed Hawk 3. Which bird eats rotten meat? A: Turkey Vulture B: Osprey C: Bald Eagle

12 Birds of Prey BONUS! 2 points What bird only eats fish?

13 And the winner is…….

14 My Recommendation I read this book because I became interested in birds of prey. I also started learning about other birds, and I created a bird habitat in my front yard and back deck. You might enjoy learning about birds. This book tells many facts about more than 650 species of birds. You might even like to learn more about birds and start watching them, too!

15 The End Thank you for playing!

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