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State of Michigan Learning Management System (LMS) for Managers

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1 State of Michigan Learning Management System (LMS) for Managers
4/25/2017 State of Michigan Learning Management System (LMS) for Managers Updated: 10/29/2015 This module will discuss the MDHHS Learning Management Manager’s LMS and all features related to it.

2 How to Take this Training
In order to access the hyperlinks and view all of the content on each slide in this Power Point, you MUST view it in Slide Show mode. If Power Point opens from within Power Point (in Edit mode), please follow these steps to play the slide show: On the bottom status bar, click the Slide Show icon. If you cannot see the bottom status bar, click Slide Show on the top menu, and then click From Current Slide or From Beginning. The easiest way to view this training in Slide Show mode is to press the F5 function key on your keyboard. 4/25/2017

3 4/25/2017 LMS Trainings The LMS Trainings are designed to provide you direction to navigate the LMS. It is recommended that everyone view the first 3 presentations in this order: The LMS Welcome Page, LMS Browsing for Training and LMS Viewing Your Transcript. 2 LMS Browsing for Training 1 3 LMS Welcome Page LMS Viewing Your Training Transcript 4 LMS for Managers LMS for Training Coordinators Managers and Training Coordinators should also view their respective presentations. 4/25/2017 3

4 LMS for Managers Topics
Managing Employee Learning Viewing My Staff Member’s Profile Standard Reports (Track Employee Training Progress) The manager as a user, has access to the same LMS as their staff, plus they may: Manage their staff learning View and manage their staff profiles and View reports that track their staff progress Everything previously described in: The Welcome Page Browse for Training and View Your Transcripts Is also available to the manager, as a user. If the manager has any question regarding above, please review the 3 previous presentations All users may also review the 2 Online Helps (described in Welcome Page presentation). 4/25/2017 4

5 Managers LMS Introduction
Managers have the same access as other users of LMS; they can view their training transcripts and browse, complete, and evaluate trainings. Managers also can view and perform LMS functions for their staff, including view and manage staff learning, view reports to track staff training progress, and approve/deny external training requests. 4/25/2017

6 Learning – Manage Employee Learning
4/25/2017 Learning – Manage Employee Learning From any page, hover the cursor over the Learning tab and click Manage Employee Learning from the drop-down menu. On the Manage Employee Learning page the manager may Manage Pending Requests. These may include though not limited to a staff member asking for External Training approval. Clicking this link, produces a page asking the manager to approve or deny the user’s request. The manager’s response triggers an to the requestor as well as changes the status in the requestor’s transcript. 4/25/2017

7 Manage Employee Learning
4/25/2017 Manage Employee Learning From the Training Category filter users can filter the training based on whether the training in the transcript is active, Completed or Archived, The Active filter option is selected by default. Every user has a personalized transcript which enables the user to manage their training. The transcript displays the status of each learning object (LO) requested by, assigned to, or required of the user. This allows the user to determine if the training is pending, approved, denied, or many other potential statuses. Depending on the training status, users can register, launch, and perform a variety of other training functions directly from the transcript. On the Manage Employee Learning page the manager may Manage Pending Requests. This may include, though are not limited to, a staff member’s request for external training. Clicking Manage Pending Requests, produces a page asking the manager to approve or deny the request for external trainings. The manager’s response triggers an LMS to the staff member, as well as changes the status in the staff member transcript. 4/25/2017

8 4/25/2017 Manage Subordinates Below the “Manage Subordinates” item, the Manger’s staff are listed. If there is a “+” to the left of their name, their subordinates are listed. On the right, click the icon to view and mange each subordinate’s transcript. Beneath Manage Subordinates is a list of all employees that directly report to you. If you have a manager(s) that directly reports to you and that manager has their own staff, there will be a “+” to the left of the manager(s)’ name. Clicking the “+” will open all of that manager(s)’ staff. Click the icon to the right of one of your staff’s names to view and manage their transcript. 4/25/2017

9 Sorting your Transcript
4/25/2017 Sorting your Transcript In addition to viewing and managing your staff transcripts, you can navigate through your staff transcripts by clicking My Team and selecting a staff member’s name from the My Team list. As their manager, you may view and manage your staff transcripts (see View Your Transcript presentation for more detail). In addition, click the My Team drop-down to switch to other staff members’ transcripts. Managers can perform the same actions on a staff's transcript (for additional information see LMS Viewing Your Training Transcript). 4/25/2017

10 4/25/2017 Managerial Options Click the Options drop-down and then click Assign Training. Clicking the Options button opens a drop-down menu specific to managers. We will cover the option of assigning training to your staff, then how to run a transcript report. 4/25/2017

11 Select Training Pop-up
4/25/2017 Select Training Pop-up When searching for a training to assign, you can choose some or all training types. If you know the name or part of the name of the training you are searching for, you can enter it here and click the Search button. The results of your search appear here. Once you find the training you would like to assign, click on the to the left of the training. (see next slide). Search for the training you would like to assign to all or a portion of staff members. Click the training you wish to assign. 4/25/2017

12 4/25/2017 Assign Training You may assign your staff the Event only and let them choose the session by clicking Submit. If you would like to assign the session (including date, time and location) click Select Session. Putting a check in this box chooses all staff members. Place a check in the box to the left of the name(s) of the staff member(s) you would like to assign to the training. You may assign your staff members the Event only and let them choose the Session (date and location), or you may assign the session by clicking Select Session. Choose the staff member(s) you wish to assign the Event/Session to by placing a check to the left of their name. When done, click Submit. 4/25/2017

13 4/25/2017 Run Transcript Report Clicking Run Transcript Report from the Options drop-down will pop-up the query form on the left. The manager may filter this report for a staff member by training type, training title, subject of training, training dates as well as specific advanced filters. 4/25/2017

14 Accessing Standard Reports
4/25/2017 Accessing Standard Reports Managers have access to view and print training reports directly from LMS. On any page, hover the cursor over the Reports tab and click Standard Reports from the drop-down menu. 4/25/2017

15 4/25/2017 Available Reports Managers may view several reports related to tracking their staff training progress. These include reports related to training attendance, completion information, status, progress, transcript reports and staff members’ requests (both pending and past). For additional information on creating reports, click the Help icon on the top right of the page (not displayed here). 4/25/2017

16 4/25/2017 Additional Trainings Thank you for completing The LMS for Managers Training. Hopefully this training helps you utilize LMS to continue your training and your staff’s training at the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services. The Welcome Page: LMS definitions and accessing Page Features, Global Search and Help. Browse for Training: Access filtering your learning objects, viewing training details and registering for a Learning Object via Browse for Training and the Events Calendar. View Your Transcript: View your active, completed and archived Learning Objects. View session details and launch online courses for which you are registered. The Manager’s LMS: Features available to mangers including: assigning training, viewing staff members’ transcripts and progress and viewing training Reports. The Training Coordinator’s LMS: Features available to training coordinators include registering and withdrawing users and viewing reports and session details. 4/25/2017

17 Thank-you… for completing this training!
4/25/2017 Thank-you… for completing this training! Please click the OWDT logo below to access and complete the course evaluation.

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