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Welcome to Otter Class Thursday 18 th September Mrs Parsons (Class teacher and Mrs Moore (Learning Support Assistant)

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Otter Class Thursday 18 th September Mrs Parsons (Class teacher and Mrs Moore (Learning Support Assistant)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Otter Class Thursday 18 th September Mrs Parsons (Class teacher and Mrs Moore (Learning Support Assistant)

2 Aims of the Meeting To talk in general about life in Year 2 for children and parents To explore the Curriculum To discuss expectations To answer any questions you may have

3 Transition There is a big jump in expectations from each year group. This is particularly apparent in Year 2 because it is the end of the Key Stage.

4 Year 2 Activities and Responsibilities There will be: opportunities to do more exciting activities such as cross and candles, Register moniters, playground partners, school trips, leading school performances and English Speaking Board

5 Year 2 Expectations In Year 2 we are looking for children who have an enthusiastic attitude for learning and who are developing- sustained concentration greater independence responsibility the ability to listen and respond appropriately 5R’s of Learning

6 You can help by: Making sure they get enough sleep during the week and the weekends Talking to your child about what is expected in Year 2 Trying to make sure they eat something for breakfast Getting to school on time and being ready for learning

7 The End of Key Stage 1 Assessments At the end of Key Stage 1 the children are assessed in the key curriculum areas of English (Speaking and Listening, Reading, Writing ), Maths and Science. Children’s attainment over the year is assessed by the teachers and you will get a final teacher assessment in July.

8 English Speaking Board In previous years the Year 2 children have been given the opportunity to be entered in an ESB exam. As a school we feel this is of great benefit in improving their Speaking and Listening skills

9 Reading How frequently should reading books be changed? Children do not always need to be “struggling” with a book to be progressing. As well as decoding words, children also need to understand what they are reading, and retrieve information from a book. Ultimately we are aiming at nurturing a love of books and reading

10 Spellings Spellings will be coming home weekly “Look say cover write and check” We also give a short dictation to check application of spellings All children will have spellings linked to their current phonic level.

11 Numeracy Greater emphasis on mental maths – children need to be confident with number bonds to 10, and corresponding multiples of 10 Mental maths – addition facts to 5,10 and, beyond, and corresponding subtraction facts Looking for patterns – counting in 2’s 5’s,10’s Understanding and applying numeracy - problem solving Multiplication and division will be introduced.

12 Topic based Learning Much of our learning will be cross- curricular, where different subjects are connected under one topic. History, Geography, The Arts, PSHE, and RE. Our topic this term is “Water, water Everywhere”

13 Gentle Reminders Book bags – books to be changed – bookbag goes in to change me box PE kit – please have in school every day – we sometimes change the timetable. Please always have a coat in school.

14 Any questions?? In spite of the fact that this is a crucial year, and that we expect the children to work hard, we hope that they will have an exciting and memorable year!

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