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Welcome to Year 1
Points for discussion Daily Routines Curriculum SPAG Phonics Spelling
Reading and Wonder Words Handwriting Numeracy Homework Any questions?
Who we are? Teachers Ash – Miss Jeffery
Pine – Mrs Fewings and Mrs Walters Teaching Assistants Miss Davies, Mrs Shepherd, Mrs Band and Mrs Roberts Mrs Sloggett, Mrs Gower and Mrs Shepherd
Daily Routines Book bags with reading books and records should be in school everyday. The children are expected to have a named water bottle. A labelled PE kit should be in school everyday. It will be sent home at the end of every term. PE is on a Thursday morning and a Friday afternnon. PLEASE ensure all uniform is clearly named . There will be an early morning activity to complete when they arrive. The children need to become more independent eg changing their own book, coming into school on their own and getting themselves dressed quicker. Please can you ensure that the children line up when waiting in the outside area as this is part of our classroom and will often have activities set up for the children to do during the day.
National Curriculum Last year a new National Curriculum was introduced across KS1 and KS2. Curriculum areas – English, Maths, Science, ICT, Geography, History, Design Technology, Art, Music, RE, PSHE and PE.
What’s New? English • Stronger emphasis on vocabulary development, grammar, punctuation and spelling (for example, the use of commas and apostrophes will be taught in KS1) • Spoken English has a greater emphasis, with children to be taught debating and presenting skills Maths • Five-year-olds will be expected to learn to count up to 100 (compared to 20 under the old curriculum) and learn number bonds to 20 (up to 10 in the old curriculum) Science • Strong focus on scientific knowledge and language. • Evolution will be taught in primary schools for the first time. ICT • Computing replaces Information and Communication Technology (ICT), with a greater focus on programming. • From age five, children will learn to write and test simple programs.
SPAG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar)
At the end of Year 2 (KS1) your children will sit the SPAG SAT test. As well as the use of full stops/ capital letters, children will be expected to know and understand the terms: adjective, verb, noun, suffix (can be added to verbs where no change is needed in the spelling of root words (e.g. helping, helped, helper) prefix (changes the meaning of verbs and adjectives kind –unkind, happy – unhappy) Spelling Patterns: Adding s/ es to words (cat –cats, match – matches) Adding the endings –ing, –ed and –er to verbs where no change is needed to the root word (jump, jumping, jumped, jumper)
Phonics Phonics is the basis of reading and spelling and we follow a program called Letters and Sounds. Six phases which start in F2 and normally finish in Year 2, but for some this will continue into KS2. Split into ability groups, dependent on the phase they are working in. We currently have 6 groups which are split between year 1 and 2.
Spellings Spelling sent home in a folder on a Friday and they will be tested the following Wednesday. (If your child has Mrs Williams/Mrs Hampson for phonics they will be given their spellings in a book.) Please try and practice them daily for a short 5/10 minute slot. There are many ways to practice spellings – please see the sheet in your pack.
Reading Guided reading – group reading with an adult.
Individual reading books One week guided/ one week individual. Strategies for reading: Using phonics, pictorial cues, making sense of the sentence. Comprehension
Reading Changing their books is now an independent activity.
Please encourage them to do this first thing in the morning. Bug Club – we will be getting them up and running again after half term.
Wonder Words Your child will be given wonder words in their yellow reading record book. The wonder words are colour banded however they don’t match the reading book colours. They need to be able to read them on sight rather than sound them out. They will be tested during the week which will be recorded in their reading record. Once they have read them correctly twice they will move to the next colour.
Handwriting Charlie writing – bases every letter formation after a character called Charlie. Enables children to join with more ease. All letters start from the line.
Numeracy Strategies for addition and subtraction:
Starts off practically using objects and pictoral representation of calculations. Numberlines: we use this for addition and subtraction. Calculations are set out horizontally not vertically e.g 7+5=12 with single digits and then move to vertically when addding two two digit numbers.
Numeracy Children are taught to count on mentally keeping the largest number in their head. When they are ready we move children onto constructing their own numberlines.
Homework Your child should read daily for 10mins including reading their Wonder Words. Please write in your childs yellow reading diary so we know you have read with them. Spellings should be practised daily for 5 mins. The children will be given a pick and mix homework based on our topic each term. Later in the term the children will have access to bug club, education city and DB Primary work to do at home.
Assessment Children are no longer assessed in National Curriculum Levels. We, as a school, have chosen to assess in bands that relate to the National Curriculum objectives for each year group. They will be assessed throughout the year as working below, within or secure in band 1 (Year 1) objectives. We have given you a copy of the maths and English objectives that your child is working towards.
Any questions? Please come and find us if you have any questions.
See the school website for useful web links
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