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Elliot Penn Will Severynse Nick Proto David Palmer Rebecca Levin Jason Mei.

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Presentation on theme: "Elliot Penn Will Severynse Nick Proto David Palmer Rebecca Levin Jason Mei."— Presentation transcript:

1 Elliot Penn Will Severynse Nick Proto David Palmer Rebecca Levin Jason Mei

2 Goal of Project  Our goal was to design and fly a Micro Air Vehicle (MAV) that could hold a 20g micro DVR to focus on targets in an area.  Learn to use Pro/Engineer Wildfire 4.0 to design parts of the MAV  Have fun!

3 Requirements of Project  The MAV must take off and land from the ground.  It must fly for 5 minutes without recharging.  It must be controlled by a 2.4GHz transmitter in a 50’ x 30’ x 20’ indoor space.

4 Preliminary Research  We learned about various types of MAVs and watched videos of them in action.  We flew the Parrot AR Drone in class.  We researched different types of MAVs as well as how to control a fixed-wing MAV in flight.

5 Use of Google Code  mav/ mav/  Downloading images, sharing Pro/Engineer parts and keeping track of progress

6 Gantt Chart mav/downloads/detail?name=Gantt_Chart_12_11.xlsx&can=2&q mav/downloads/detail?name=Gantt_Chart_12_11.xlsx&can=2&q=

7 Bill of Materials mav/downloads/detail?name=MAV_project_order.xls&can=2&q mav/downloads/detail?name=MAV_project_order.xls&can=2&q= Total cost of project: $251.96

8 Purchase and Practice with a Trainer MAV  We purchased a ParkZone Night Vapor and used it as a trainer.  It is lightweight and ready to fly straight out of the box.

9 Creation of Computer Models of Parts using Pro Engineer

10 Assembly Model using Pro Engineer

11 Actual Construction of Slow Stick  We met together to put the slow stick together over a period of three days working for three hours each day.  The battery was connected via electronic male and female connectors.  The motor as connected to a speed control.  The speed control and servos were connected to the receiver.

12 Practice Flying with Slow Stick

13 Results  The slow stick weighed 455 grams.  We designed a camera mount in Pro/Engineer that would be created by a 3d-printer.  We successfully got it to fly

14 Sharing of Work  Elliot Penn  Elliot Penn – Group Leader, Creator and Manager of Google Code, Purchase of Trainer  David Palmer  David Palmer – Building of Slow Stick, Purchase of Slow Stick parts, Gantt Chart  Becca Levin  Becca Levin – Bill of Materials, Preliminary Presentation, Final Report  Will Severynse  Will Severynse – Building Slow Stick, Flying Slow Stick, Kept track of money  Jason Mei  Jason Mei – Building Slow Stick, Creating pictures of pro engineer parts to share dimensions  Nick Proto  Nick Proto – Final Presentation, building slow stick *These are just some examples and mostly there were multiple people working together to complete tasks*

15 Improvements  Better communication  Use screws instead of tape  Fly the plane in safer areas and don’t “take it to its limits”  More frequent uploads to Google Code  Better care of Lithium-ion Polymer batteries  Set goals and deadlines

16 The End We all worked together to complete this project. We consider this project a success Thanks to Professor Charles Kung for his help in this project

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