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Environmental Sustainability Conference Wednesday 11 th November 2015 Rivers Suite, Craiglockhart.

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Presentation on theme: "Environmental Sustainability Conference Wednesday 11 th November 2015 Rivers Suite, Craiglockhart."— Presentation transcript:

1 Environmental Sustainability Conference Wednesday 11 th November 2015 Rivers Suite, Craiglockhart

2 12:00 Lunch & Posters 13:00 Welcome 13:10 Environmental Sustainability Team 13:35 Transport Research Institute 14:00Biofuels Research Centre 14:25Engaging with the Environment 14:50Refreshments 15:05Mikoko Pamoja 15:20The University of Edinburgh 16:00Poster Review 16:05Open discussion 16:50Closing remarks Agenda


4 Jamie Pearson Environmental Sustainability Manager Environmental Sustainability Team



7 University Estate Total Internal Area (m2)


9 Corporate Social Responsibility

10 Integration Strategy 2020 “We will be environmentally and financially sustainable and resilient”. Learning, Teaching and Assessment Strategy 2014 – 2020 “A curriculum that develops enterprise and employment skills within an international context, that encourages interdisciplinary learning and that fosters ethical understanding and environmental awareness”. Environmental Sustainability Policy and Plan Sanctioned by ULT, assessed annually by ESAG. Estates Strategy Published during 2015/16 academic year.

11 Structure

12 Assessment & Reporting

13 Environmental Aspects Biodiversity Management Construction Contractors Emissions to air Energy use Noise and nuisance Procurement Transport Use and storage of chemicals, oils, fuel and pesticides Waste Water use 11 Activity Areas 43 Significant Aspects

14 Towards Platinum Bronze 1.1: Senior Management Commitment 1.2: Baseline Environmental Review 1.3: Draft Environmental Policy 1.4: Awareness & Training Silver 2.1: Identifying Legal and Other xxxxRequirements 2.2: Environmental Aspects 2.3: Developing Objectives and Targets 2.4: Finalised Environmental Policy Gold 3.1: Resources, Roles & Responsibilities 3.2: Competence & Training 3.3: Communication 3.4: Documentation 3.5: Control of Documents 3.6: Operational Control 3.7: Emergency Preparedness & Response Platinum 4.1: Monitoring & Measuring 4.2: Evaluation of Compliance 4.3: Nonconformity, Corrective & Preventative xxxxAction 4.4: Control of Records 4.5: Internal Audit 4.6: Management Review

15 Commitment and involvement Strong communications Good flexible planning Clear Performance Improvement Goals Detailed monitoring procedures Integration with existing management systems EMS Success

16 Biodiversity

17 Transport



20 Waste

21 David Fairhurst Energy & Utilities Manager

22 Electrici ty 21% Carbon Emission Reductions Gas 42% Water 49% CO 2 e 30%

23 Carbon Carbon Management Plan, 2009 Carbon Trust Standard, 2010 Green Gown Awards, 2011 Carbon Management Revisited, 2012 Carbon Masters Standard, 2012 Carbon Trust Water Standard, 2013

24 Energy Management Salix Building Management System Boiler controls and heating upgrades Lighting upgrades Combined heat and power Information Services equipment Heating policy Energy performance certificates Earth Hour and other campaigns

25 Energy Projects Spot the differe nce!

26 The future…. External New policy / incentive regimes Increased costs and time based costs Internal New targets Best buildings - estates strategy Best technologies Best controls Increased colleagues & student engagement


28 Construction & Refurbishment

29 Procurement

30 Health & Well-Being

31 Curricular Links

32 Community

33 Student Leadership

34 Paul Jefferson Sustainability Engagement Officer

35 Engagement Environmenta l Sustainabili ty Team Staff and Students Campuses Volunteerin g

36 Environmental Sustainability Team Merchist on Sighthil l Craiglock hart T1 T2 T3 T2 T1 T2 T1 T4 Ind


38 Focus Reduce the environmental footprint of the University Encourage good practice within the University community Be a good neighbour. Participate in wider community campaigns Reputation Encourage business (many research and knowledge transfer tender bids now ask whether or not the University holds ISO14001 accreditation) Reduce cost Legislative compliance

39 Environmental Sustainability Team Jamie Pearson Environmental Sustainability Manager 0131 455 3747 Paul Jefferson Sustainability Engagement Officer 0131 455 3008 @SustainableENU David Fairhurst Energy & Utilities Manager 0131 455 3540


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