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Chapter 21 Alcohol Use: A High-Risk Behavior “You booze, You lose…”

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1 Chapter 21 Alcohol Use: A High-Risk Behavior “You booze, You lose…”

2 Factors that Influence Alcohol’s Effects  Body size  Gender- alcohol generally moves into bloodstream faster in females  Food- food slows down the passage of alcohol to bloodstream  Rate of Intake  Amount  Medicine

3 What does it do to you? “Short-Term Effects”  May initially give “buzz”  CNS depressant – slow down  Large amounts cause intoxication – physical and mental impairment resulting physical and mental impairment resulting from use of alcohol from use of alcohol  Impair judgment, lengthens reaction time, slur speech, & unsteady walking

4 Multiplier Effect  Alcohol combined with other drugs or medications produces an interaction known as the multiplier effect  Alcohol can change the effect of the medicine.  These interactions can lead to illness or death.

5 What is binge drinking?  Usually 5 or more drinks in a row or in a one sitting  Solo cup – 20 oz. (=more than 1.5 beers)

6 Health Risks of Alcohol Use  Must be 21 ; teens can be arrested and sentenced to a youth detention center.  Violence : alcohol use is a factor in 1/3 to 2/3 sexual assaults or date-rape cases  Sexual activity : more likely to become sexually active at younger age. 25% of sexually active teens engage in alcohol or drugs before sexual activity. Twice as likely to contract an STD.

7 : The Legal Limit  What is BAC? What is BAC? What is BAC?  amount of alcohol in a person’s blood, expressed as a percentage. Alcohol in the blood causes: - Slow reflexes - Reduced ability to judge distances and speeds - Increase in risk taking behaviors - Reduced concentration and increased forgetfulness

8 DWI/DUI  BAC of or above.08  Zero tolerance for those under 21

9  Do you know people who put have put themselves behind the wheel of a car after consuming alcohol? Give three examples you can think of when this happened. Was it after a party? A holiday? A sporting event or concert?  How would you feel if you lost someone who was killed by a drunk driver. Pick one person and tell how it would change your life.  What are three ways someone could get home instead of driving after drinking alcohol?

10 Is beer/wine safer?  None are safer than the other  All contain the same amount of alcohol

11 What is a standard drink? What is a standard drink?  1 – 12 oz beer (normal strength beer 4%)  1 – 5 oz glass of wine  1 – 1.5 oz shot of ( 40% or 80 proof liquor)  Mixed drinks may not be measured and often contain far more than 1.5 oz of alcohol. Drinks with a higher proof (grain alcohol, Everclear, etc) should be treated with caution

12 STAGES OF ALCOHOLISM STAGE 1: ABUSE  Begins with social drinking  Physical/mental dep. develops  ST memory loss and blackouts  Makes excuses/rationalizes STAGE 2: Dependence  Physical dependence  May drink alone, everyday, crave earlier and earlier  Drinker tries to hide problem  Perf. in other areas ↓ STAGE 3: ADDICTION  Drinking is more important than anything else in life  Uncontrollable  Malnutrition  Addicted to drug  Withdrawal symptoms Alcoholism can not be cured; but it can be treated

13 Stages of Alcoholism  Alcohol causes serious damage to the liver.  Compare the healthy liver on the left with the liver damaged by alcohol abuse on the right.

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