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TEAM-Math School Teacher Leader Meeting September 9, 2004.

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Presentation on theme: "TEAM-Math School Teacher Leader Meeting September 9, 2004."— Presentation transcript:

1 TEAM-Math School Teacher Leader Meeting September 9, 2004

2 As You Enter…  Jot down a few thoughts: What significant successes have you experienced since school started? What are some strategies that have particularly worked?

3 Agenda  Sharing of Successful Experiences and Strategies (Dr. Strutchens)  Update Summer Institute I (Dr. Strutchens)  Update Non-Cohort Institutes (Dr. Martin)  Curriculum Guide Update (Dr. Martin)  Grant Applications Update (Dr. Martin)  University Liaison Update (Dr. Martin)  Announcements (Dr. Martin & Dr. Strutchens)  September 11, 2004, Cohort I Quarterly Meeting Update (Dr. Strutchens)  Characteristics of TEAM-Math Classrooms  An Open and Informal Conversation among System Administrators and STLs (Dr. Martin & Dr. Strutchens)

4 TEAM-Math Mission Statement  To enable all students to understand, utilize, communicate, and appreciate mathematics as a tool in everyday situations in order to become life-long learners and productive citizens by Transforming East Alabama Mathematics (TEAM-Math).  The mission will be met by: Aligning the curriculum K-12. Ensuring consistency in teaching. Providing professional development. Improving preparation of new teachers.

5 Sharing of Successful Experiences and Strategies

6 Update Summer Institute I  350 Teachers  25 schools  About 99% of the teachers said that they would used something that they had learned.  Special sessions were a success. Special Education Teachers STLs Administrators Counselors School and District level Sessions

7 Update on Non-Cohort Institutes  Wetumpka – 220 teachers  Smith Station – 280 teachers  Teachers were pleased with the sessions.

8 Applications for Cohort 2  October: Application form released  December 15: Applications due  January 15: Selections announced

9 Textbooks  Successful adoption, but…  Troubles with fulfillment

10 Curriculum Guide: Update  As of the end of July: Part A was completed for all grades Part B was completed, except for 3-5 A copy was sent to each school and district Also posted on the Web site  As of mid-August: Part B has been completed for 3-5 Posted on the Web site Corrections have been sent out as well

11 Curriculum Guide: Next Steps  We plan a revision by next summer. We may begin early next semester to give people a chance to use it and see what they want or do not want. Make any necessary corrections, increase consistency, and possibly add new features (e.g., quarter tests)  Also, we need to have some teachers pilot additional units to see what to add in for Year 2 of the Summer Institute. We are looking for volunteers…

12 Grant Applications Update  Applications were made by 12 Cohort 1 schools. All will be awarded something, although some need to provide additional details.  We will consider additional requests as the year progresses. We have a substantial pool of money reserved to support substitutes for teacher leaders. You just need to submit a plan!

13 University Liaison Program  We are assigning a university member to each school to act as a TEAM-Math liaison.  They will visit each school at least monthly to see how things are going, to ensure effective communication, and possibly to help with evaluation.

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