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Year 2 Curriculum Evening 6.30pm -7.45pm Learning Together; Learning for life.

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1 Year 2 Curriculum Evening 6.30pm -7.45pm Learning Together; Learning for life

2  Year 2 Teachers  Mrs Sewell  Mrs Karpouzi  Mrs Sarah Whitehouse (PPA)  Educational Teaching Assistants  Sarah Yates  Sharon Hirst  Helen Ward  Jayne Simpson

3  Children to arrive between 8:45 and 8:55 am.  An early morning task will be set for the children.  Registration 9:00 am.  Phonics 9:05 - 9:30 am  First session 9.30 – 10.30 am.  Assembly 10:30, Singing 10:25 am.  During assembly time, staff work with guided reading groups.  Play time 10:45 - 11:00 am.  Second session 11:00 - 12:00 am  Dinner 12 - 1:15 pm.  Third session 1:15 - 2:15pm  Afternoon playtime 2:15 -2:30 pm  Last session 2:30 -3:15 pm  Children can be picked up between 3:15 and 3:30 pm.  After school clubs 3.15-4.15pm

4  PE kits should include clothes for both outdoor and indoor PE.  All clothes should be labelled.  Footwear should be either pumps or trainers (named).  Can parents check kits periodically to ensure they still fit their child.  The PE kit should be in a clearly labelled bag and be in school every Monday morning.  No jewellery is to be worn. Earrings must be removed.  PE changes during the year as we work with Project sport. Check with class teacher each half term.

5  Children are welcome to take books home as long as they can remember to bring them back.  Every effort will be made to make sure a range of books to suit all abilities are available.  If children like a particular type of book - please ask, we may be able to find some. e.g. spooky stories, fairy tales.

6  Work is sent out fortnightly and is linked to the topic. It is an opportunity for your child to share their learning with you.  We ask for this to be returned on or before the date requested.

7  Learning logs are a vital communication between home and school.  This is where we will share what your child has been reading, their current targets and any areas your child may need to work on.  Parents are invited to write in them when reading, to tell us about any achievements or ask questions. Please share what your child has been doing at home too.  Please can the children be reminded to put learning logs into the boxes provided in the classrooms every morning.

8  Autumn 1 World Kitchen  Autumn 2Famous People from the Past  Spring 1Pirates  Spring 2Oceans and Seas  Summer 1Animals and Zoos  Summer 2Going Green

9  Our Curriculum  Designed to produce productive, creative and well educated pupils Learning Together; Learning for life

10  Strong emphasis on: vocabulary development grammar punctuation spelling ( for example, the use of commas and apostrophes will be taught in KS1)  Handwriting is expected to be fluent, cursive and legible  Spoken English will focus on debating and presenting skills

11  Number and place value  Addition and subtraction  Multiplication and Division  Geometry ◦ Properties of shape ◦ Position and Direction  Statistics ◦ Tally charts, pictograms, block graphs and tables

12  Strong emphasis on scientific knowledge and language  Animals including humans  notice that animals, including humans, have offspring which grow into adults  find out about and describe the basic needs of animals, including humans, for survival (water, food and air)  describe the importance for humans of exercise, eating the right amounts of different types of food, and hygiene.  Everyday materials  identify and compare the suitability of a variety of everyday materials, including wood, metal, plastic, glass, brick, rock, paper and cardboard for particular uses  find out how the shapes of solid objects made from some materials can be changed by squashing, bending, twisting and stretching.

13  Computing replaces Information and Communication Technology (ICT)  Greater focus on programming rather than on operating programs  Year 2 children will learn to: write and test simple programs organise store and retrieve data understand digital literacy (e-safety)

14 Reading 2 papers with a mixture of text types Writing English Grammar, Spelling and Punctuation Test Maths Arithmetic Test  To be administered during May 2016

15  Used for reporting national curriculum test outcomes  Schools not required to change preparation for, or administration of, tests  Helps test results to be reported consistently and maintain meaning over time - 2 pupils achieving the same scaled score in different years will have demonstrated the same attainment  National standard will be ‘100’  The ‘raw score’ that equates to 100 might be different each year

16  Children in key stage 1 (both year 1 and 2) attend differentiated phonics groups.  Spellings are sent home weekly and are differentiated according to their phonic group.  Spelling books MUST be in school on a Friday for the weekly spelling test.

17  As you will be aware, last year Year 1 children were required to complete a phonics check.  Some children may need to repeat this check this year if they did not meet the required level. e.g doy bath

18  Marking is done daily  Feedback to your child can be verbal or written  We use two colours: ◦ “Tickled pink” to show children they have worked successfully ◦ “Green for growth” to show children where they can improve their work further ◦ Stickers and certificates

19  Targets are shared for reading, writing and maths regularly with your child.  These targets are sent home in the school learning logs.

20  After school sports clubs  Enterprise club  French Club  Spanish club  Choir  Drums  Recorders  Lego Club  School trips

21  Admission packs for Junior school were sent out last week.  These need to be completed online by the end of December 2015  Transition to Junior School begins in the summer term with lots of different activities happening between schools.  Details to be given beginning summer term


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