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WP 5: Task 1 country reviews Cristina Chiotan Ingrid Stegeman EuroHealthNet.

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Presentation on theme: "WP 5: Task 1 country reviews Cristina Chiotan Ingrid Stegeman EuroHealthNet."— Presentation transcript:

1 WP 5: Task 1 country reviews Cristina Chiotan Ingrid Stegeman EuroHealthNet

2 WWW.CHRODIS.EU Country reviews publication Questionnaire developed and agreed by WP5 partners (first WP5 meeting Cologne, 28-29 April 2014); 14 partners sent their response to the questionnaire 14 country reviews were edited and EN proof read; 14 edited country reviews sent to partners for approval; country reviews approved by CHAFEA and posted on JA- CHRODIS website. –focusing mainly on cardiovascular disease, stroke and diabetes type 2 –that also address major risk factors, like diet, inactivity, alcohol abuse and smoking -social determinants of health –with a special focus on older people, inequalities For ‘Platform for Knowledge Exchange’, ‘Clearinghouse’

3 WWW.CHRODIS.EU Analysis of country reports Objective: To enable partners to learn about other countries, to facilitate the exchange of ideas and practices and to feed into a discussion and contribute to summary overview on the findings. (not a mandatory project deliverable)

4 WWW.CHRODIS.EU Analysis of country reports Results: Each partner will read 2 different country reports (one from a similar system and context and one from a very different system/context); Each partner follow specific questions on common issues, gaps and needs, lessons learned and opportunities for further exchange and learning

5 WWW.CHRODIS.EU Analysis of country reports Criteria for groups of country analysis: The aim is to ensure a good basis for discussion and opportunities for experience exchange and further learning; Countries close geographically and also with similar policy and public health contexts and one country which brings a new perspective in the group; Each partner could read/analyse any other country report found relevant.

6 WWW.CHRODIS.EU Analysis of country reports Proposed groups of partners: Norway, Iceland, Lithuania, UK Greece, Spain, Italy, Cyprus Ireland, Estonia, Germany Bulgaria, Netherlands, Portugal

7 WWW.CHRODIS.EU Analysis of country reports (guiding questions) Landscape: policies, structures, available resources; similar but different complexity and level of specificity of policies; and in available resources Health inequalities – 2 country reports and healthy and active ageing – 7 country reports

8 WWW.CHRODIS.EU Analysis of country reports (guiding questions) Good practices approaches – similarities or not; 9 country reports have criteria, different approaches 3 reported databases; Health forecasting studies – 8 country reports, different approaches and methodologies;

9 WWW.CHRODIS.EU Analysis of country reports (guiding questions) Information on cost-effectiveness studies in 9 country reviews, different approaches and methodologies

10 WWW.CHRODIS.EU Analysis of country reports (guiding questions) Gaps and needs – areas for exchange and potential support Approaches in good practice criteria, methodology and use for cost-effectiveness and forecasting, use of available resources, innovative financing sources

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