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Organized by the Congress for Racial Equality (CORE) in 1961 Purpose was to test whether Southern bus terminals would obey the Supreme Court’s ban on segregation.

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Presentation on theme: "Organized by the Congress for Racial Equality (CORE) in 1961 Purpose was to test whether Southern bus terminals would obey the Supreme Court’s ban on segregation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Organized by the Congress for Racial Equality (CORE) in 1961 Purpose was to test whether Southern bus terminals would obey the Supreme Court’s ban on segregation Few problems in the upper South; violence in the deep South The Freedom Rides

2 Influenced by Gandhi and Thoreau Used demonstrations, marches, public disobedience Media coverage gave movement impact and support Letter from Birmingham Jail Martin Luther King, Jr. and Nonviolent Resistance

3 Nation of Islam (NOI) Advocated black separatism, militancy against “white oppression” Malcolm X Break with Elijah Muhammad and the NOI Malcolm X assassinated in 1965 The Black Muslims and Malcolm X

4 Civil Rights Act of 1964 Beginnings with JFK LBJ gets the act passed Provisions President Johnson signs the Civil Rights Act of 1964

5 Affirmative Action Fulfilled a provision of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 Special consideration given to disadvantaged groups in order to overcome present effects of past discrimination “Reverse discrimination,” the Bakke case

6 Passed in response to King’s Selma to Montgomery voting rights march Protected minority right to vote and promised to punish those who stood in the way of minority registration The Voting Rights Act of 1965 President Johnson and Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. after the passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965

7 Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring Carson was a former U.S. Fish and Wildlife biologist Silent Spring focused on the effects of DDT on the environment

8 LBJ’s domestic agenda Composed of several measures New programs/reforms “Great Society” fell victim to Vietnam War The Great Society

9 “Flower Power” Reactions against the Vietnam War “Flower Power” and the Anti-War Movement Kent State

10 1968 The “silent majority,” Kent State, and the end of the antiwar movement “Flower Power” and the Anti-War Movement (continued) Kent State Soldiers stand guard in Washington, D.C. following riots in the aftermath of Dr. King’s assassination

11 Betty Friedan’s The Feminine Mystique Feminism deals with “gender politics” and inequalities Beginnings of the women’s movement/NOW Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) Backlash Feminism and the Women’s Movement Betty Friedan Gloria Steinem

12 Cesar Chavez Helped to organize farm workers United Farm Workers (UFW) California grape boycott Chavez’s legacy

13 Earth Day Senator Gaylord Nelson First Earth Day held in 1970 Nationally sponsored environmental activities Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Earth Day founder Gaylord Nelson

14 Détente: “Easing of tensions” Realpolitik: “Political realism” Benefits for both the U.S. and USSR Relations with China Détente and Realpolitik President Nixon and Soviet Premier Leonid Brezhnev Secretary of State Henry Kissinger

15 Nuclear Arms Reduction Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT) SALT I (1972): limits on ABMs SALT II (1979): limits on number of new arms produced Senate opposition sinks SALT II The 1979 SALT talks

16 Reagan inherits double- digit inflation, high unemployment “Trickle-down” economics/lower taxes “Supply-side” economics Deficit spending S & L deregulation “Reaganomics”

17 President Reagan called for a system to protect the U.S. from an enemy missile attack “Star Wars”: opponents of SDI Never implemented Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI)

18 September 11, 2001 Bush: the U.S. would go after any nation that supported terrorists Preemption Unilateral action “Strengths beyond challenge” Extending the “rewards of liberty” The Bush Doctrine

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