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EARTH EARTH DAY W HO IS R ESPONSIBLE FOR E ARTH D AY ?  In 1963 Senator Gaylord Nelson of the United States of America asked the president to tour the.

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3 W HO IS R ESPONSIBLE FOR E ARTH D AY ?  In 1963 Senator Gaylord Nelson of the United States of America asked the president to tour the nation in order to focus attention on environmental issues. Although the tour was unsuccessful Senator Nelson did not give up on ecological issues. Six years later he had the idea for Earth Day

4 W HO CELEBRATES IT ?  People all over the world except in a few countries celebrate Earth Day

5 H OW IS IT CELEBRATED ?  People will usually celebrate in different ways like by walking to school, community clean up, recycling and composting etc. However our Earth doesn’t need us one day a year.So we must work everyday throughout the year to make a difference.


7  Walking to school

8  Community Clean up

9  Recycling

10  Saving Water and energy

11  Composting

12  Not littering

13  Using reusable containers

14 We have also started the composting program recently. Organic waste can decompose in the soil making it more fertile instead of going to a landfill which will pollute the land.

15 T HE E ND  We hope you enjoyed our presentation From the Green Team & Global Environment Officers ®

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