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Consent & Relationship Behaviors
Things that make or break our relationships! Consent & Relationship Behaviors
Myth or Reality? I can change him/her All you need is love
Improving communication skills can improve relationships You can depend on your partner or others to make you happy This relationship failed because I haven’t found the right person yet I can’t live without him/her It is normal to get so angry that you slap/hit/grab someone You always have to work at a relationship, even if it is healthy one
Consent – What is it? Enthusiastic YES that’s free from coercion:
Manipulation or guilt Repeated asking Threats or Peer pressure Body language matches their words of Yes Ongoing conversation! Never assume because they said yes before, they continue to want it! Only YES means YES – don’t wait for a NO Acknowledge the awkward & ASK if unsure!
Relationship Definitions
Bond or connection between two or more people List some of your relationships in each category: Family Friends Peers Platonic relationships Romantic relationship
What is Intimacy? Emotional Physical
A spiritual or emotional connection with someone where you share goals, dreams, fears, hopes (sibling relationships, parent-child, friends) Physical A physical connection, usually involving some sort of physical expression between two people (dating relationships, marriages, committed couples)
How do we improve our relationships?
Practice Assertive Communication Skills Focus on the problem, not the person! Accept people for who they are Remember you can’t “change” anyone If you can’t, move on Set a good example Be the kind of person you’d want to be friends with! Be patient / Take a TIME OUT Just because things don’t always go well doesn’t mean the relationship is doomed Take a TIME OUT if you start getting angry (Don’t make the other person “lose” so you can “win” Know when it’s time to move on Sometimes a relationship may never be healthy. Knowing when and how to end a relationship is important!
Positive Behaviors Listening- this is key, it builds most of the rest
Trust, Respect & Honesty Assertive communication including Fighting FAIRLY, no name calling, holding grudges, etc Genuine Positive comments Caring behaviors Acceptance & Understanding Laughing & having fun together Keeping care/friendship/romance “alive” Share common values
Negative Behaviors Jealousy Insults/name calling
Getting angry/losing temper Threatening (self or partner) Possessiveness/ Controlling Being overly dependent Unrealistic expectations Never pleased with anything you do (“You always are late, you never call me back” etc) Asks you to do things they are expected to do (chores, homework, etc...) Makes you feel bad about yourself more often than they make you feel good
RED FLAGS: Signs of an unhealthy relationship:
Frequent use of anger and guilt Intimidation / Threats / Embarrassment Minimize, Deny, Blame Any Violence (emotional, sexual coercion or physical) Isolation Drug and alcohol abuse Sexual coercion/manipulation “Gut feeling” of sadness, discomfort, danger, or feeling drained when or after you’re together
Teen Dating Violence Facts
1 in 11 teens reported being in a physically violent relationship last year 1 in 3 report verbal, physical, emotional or sexual abuse Look at Power & Control Wheel The Line between caring and controlling (video link) It’s On Us - No More PSA Choose Respect video
Risk Factors for Teen Dating Violence
Poor communication skills Inability to manage anger Early age of first sexual experience Friends and family members who experience dating violence Drug and alcohol use Acceptance of the use of dating violence Low self esteem Belief in traditional gender roles
Identifying Healthy & Unhealthy Relationships practice
Sarah & Jamie have been “a thing” for a few months now and are not yet officially dating. When they hang out, Jamie jokingly grabs Sarah’s cell phone to see who else she’s been texting. When Sarah tells Jamie to stop taking her phone, Jamie laughs and says, “What’s the big deal, if you have nothing to hide then it shouldn’t even matter!” As Jamie looks through Sarah’s phone, despite Sarah trying to get it back from Jamie, Jamie notices Sarah has been texting with her ex lately. Jamie suddenly goes from laughing to being jealous and withdrawn and throws the phone towards Sarah on the couch. Sarah asks what’s wrong and Jamie says, “I thought I could trust you! I can’t believe you’re texting your ex when you said you two were done! This is why you didn’t want me to see your phone, isn’t it?! I should have known you were a liar and a slut! I can’t believe you would hurt me like this! I thought I was falling in love with you! Forget this, I’m outta here!” and then Jamie suddenly leave. Sarah is left feeling angry, hurt, and confused.
What can we do to help? 866.834.4357 (HELP) – 24/7 hotline
Listen to the victim, let them know you care NEVER blame the victim! Say something while the behavior is happening, like “That is NOT ok!” Ask the person being abused if they want help or have sought help (HELP) – 24/7 hotline
Ok or No Way Game? Can you tell healthy from unhealthy behaviors in a relationship?
Love vs. Lust “Me” Centred Jealousy/Suspicion Lots of “bad” fights
“We” Centred Trust & Honesty Few “bad” fights Responsible (birth control, STD prevention) Private Intimacy Accepts the other Friendship grows continuously Good Communication Grows over time “Me” Centred Jealousy/Suspicion Lots of “bad” fights Irresponsible Public Intimacy Tries to change the person Sexually Based Poor Communication Fast relationship
What do I want in a Love relationship?
Convince me that you understand love vs. lust and healthy relationships. What do you think romantic love feels like or looks like? How do you think you will know it is “true love” vs. lust or infatuation? What are all the characteristics you want in a long-term love relationship? Discuss “must haves” and “deal breakers” What exactly is lust? How do characteristics of lust fit into your ideas about love? Give examples (or non examples) from your life’s experiences
Breaking Up in a Healthy Way
1. Make the decision to end it Think it through based on what is best for you overall 2. Prepare for feelings of sadness/loss & Don’t let uncomfortable feelings over the breakup prevent you from doing what is right for you 3. Choose a neutral location Meet up so both people arrive and leave separately 4. Explain your reasons Let them know where you are coming from 5. Make the end final don’t go back because you are lonely, guilty, etc 6. Develop your other relationships – including with yourself!
Ending Relationships: Why they end
Typical reasons: Changes in needs, goals, interests or values Differences in what people want out of the relationship Unmet expectations or personality issues Differences in sexual desires TROUBLE SIGNS: One person stops listening or becomes emotionally absent Increases in unresolved conflicts Stop enjoying time together Feeling the relationship is not worth saving ANY physical, sexual or emotional abuse
Case Study on Breakups Chris is a serious student who hopes to get an academic scholarship at a top-ranked college and has been dating Jesse for almost a year. Jesse is very interested in Chris and having a good time with friends. Jesse usually studies the night before an exam (if at all) and is happy with a C average in school. Jesse plans to get a job after high school. Lately, Chris & Jesse have had a bunch of fights over school, grades and how they spend their time. Chris cares about Jesse and wants Jesse to go to college. Jesse wants Chris to just “relax” about school. After a long night of talking about the future and their goals, Chris realizes that the relationship with Jesse should end.
Case Study: Questions What signs exist that show the relationship is in trouble? Why does Chris want to end the relationship? How should it be ended? What should Jesse do after the relationship is over?
Did you realize??? Dr. Willard Harley discovered we tend to keep “track” of we are treated by others and have a “bank account” of sorts. For example, accounts go “up” when we are treated well and go “down” when we are treated poorly It takes 5-15 POSITIVE acts to counter the negative impact of just ONE harmful act or statement See chart next page
Relationship Bank Transactions
Deposits: Humor Appreciation Encouragement’ Honesty Generosity Acceptance Trust Understanding Withdrawals Anger Criticism Selfishness Dishonesty Disrespect Judgment Resentment Betrayal It’s much easier to maintain a healthy relationship than fix a broken one!
Key Points It’s easier to maintain a healthy relationship than to fix a broken one. Healthy relationships make you feel good! It’s ok to end a negative relationship! YOU DESERVE TO BE TREATED WELL in all relationships!
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