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Murstein’s Filter Theory

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1 Murstein’s Filter Theory

2 Bernard Murstein explained the relationship among dating, social homogamy, and social exchange as a multi-step process. He uses the analogy of ‘sifting’ to suggest that individuals pass their dates through a series of ‘filters’ to screen out unacceptable marriage partners. This process of filtering leads an individual to only let one acceptable partner through, which ultimately leads to marriage.

3 Field of Eligibles Who is out there, the general population.

4 Propinquity Filter Who is close to us. An available group to choose from. (proximity)

5 Attraction Filter (Physical attraction/Personality)
Judgment based on appearance and individual characteristics

6 Homogamy Filter (Age, Race, Education, Socio-Economic Class, Religion)
Judgment based on how similar these factors are to the individual.

7 Compatibility Filter (Temperment, Attitudes and Values, Needs, Roles, Habits)
Judgment based on similarities of these more qualities

8 Trial Filter (Cohabitation, Engagement)
Statement of commitment here. Test of the compatibility of all previous filters.

9 Decision Filter Final decision is made here to see if individual is the right choice.

10 Marriage

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