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BIOME NAME Name: Go to Under the online resources, click on Science resources. Download the Biome Powerpoint document. Create a Powerpoint.

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Presentation on theme: "BIOME NAME Name: Go to Under the online resources, click on Science resources. Download the Biome Powerpoint document. Create a Powerpoint."— Presentation transcript:

1 BIOME NAME Name: Go to Under the online resources, click on Science resources. Download the Biome Powerpoint document. Create a Powerpoint for a biome that is not the tundra. You should have at least 7 slides. You should have a slide for each of the following: habitat, 1 producer, 1 decomposer, 1 consumer, an interesting fact, a top predator, and a food chain/web that shows the flow of energy. Each slide should have 1 picture and 3 sentences or bullet points.

2 HABITAT NAME 3 sentences go here Pictures go in the box to the right For pictures, you can click on the icon on the bottom row in the middle

3 PRODUCER NAME 3 sentences go here Pictures go in the box to the right For pictures, you can click on the icon on the bottom row in the middle

4 CONSUMER NAME 3 sentences go here Pictures go in the box to the right For pictures, you can click on the icon on the bottom row in the middle

5 DECOMPOSER NAME 3 sentences go here Pictures go in the box to the right For pictures, you can click on the icon on the bottom row in the middle

6 TOP PREDATOR 3 sentences go here Pictures go in the box to the right For pictures, you can click on the icon on the bottom row in the middle

7 INTERESTING FACTS 3 sentences go here Pictures go in the box to the right For pictures, you can click on the icon on the bottom row in the middle

8 FOOD CHAIN Copy and paste pictures from the internet to create a food chain using the animals you listed in your PowerPoint.

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