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“What would certification mean – Experiences with other environmental certification systems” Prof. Dr. H. Vogtmann, President of the German Federal Agency.

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Presentation on theme: "“What would certification mean – Experiences with other environmental certification systems” Prof. Dr. H. Vogtmann, President of the German Federal Agency."— Presentation transcript:

1 “What would certification mean – Experiences with other environmental certification systems” Prof. Dr. H. Vogtmann, President of the German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation

2 What does certification mean? The aims of certification guarantee a certain (high) quality incl. environmental quality  improve quality  attract new resources by a high quality image:  new visitors and guests  new customers of PA- products and services  additional public finance  new local entrepreneurs  new sponsors 

3 What might be certified? Objects of certification Products and goods (incl. natural goods)  services  German „Blue Angel“, „green“ electricity, organic food, regional products e.g. from nature parks or biosphere reserves, protected areas production processes  management systems  private and public-private partnerships / decision structures  Examples in general and for PAs Organic farming, forestry according to FSC criteria „Green“ financial services, ecologically sound tourism, fundraising organisations Environmental management (i.e. ISO 14000, EMAS), quality management (i.e. ISO 9 000) European Charter for Sustainable Tourism in Protected Areas

4 Elements of certification Elements of a promising certification process widely acknowledged criteria active marketing independent examination acceptable certification costs

5 Certification and PAs Two examples: Forest Stewardship Council: Certification for timber and timber products Certification for sustainable tourism development

6 FSC - Certification Forest Stewardship Council : international non- profit organisation to support environmentally appropriate, socially beneficial, and economically viable management of the world's forests.  international labeling scheme on timber and timber products, guarantees that the product comes from a well-managed forest.  independent certification of forest products as coming from forests that meet the internationally recognized FSC Principles and Criteria of Forest Stewardship (including general conservation aspects).  development of national and local standards that implement the international Principles and Criteria of Forest Stewardship at the local level.

7 Certified Forest Sites Certified Forest Sites endorsed by FSC (30.08.2002)

8 European Charter for sustainable tourism A valuable and practical tool for ensuring that tourism development in PAs is sustainable: 5-year commitment to further that cooperation and to implement agreed joint actions with their partners NOT: a quality label nor a conventional partnership agreement, but a combination of both Awarded by EUROPARC Federation PA demonstrates that it is cooperating with local stakeholders and tourism partners (permanent structure)

9 The Charter-Process Agreement to the principles of sustainable tourism development 5-year-Action Plan and Strategy for sustainable tourism in the PA Verification by the Charter Evaluation Committee Assessment and evaluation of tourism in the protected area Award of the Charter Focus: Participation of all relevant stakeholders

10 Opportunities of certification in PAs financially self-supporting (partly or completely) widely acknowledged criteria independent examination active marketing confidence acceptance enhancing protection activities assisting sustainable economic development

11 Up from September 9th on service / links / presentations “What would certification mean – Experiences with other environmental certification systems”

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