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Genres A category of literature. The main literary genres are fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and drama.

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Presentation on theme: "Genres A category of literature. The main literary genres are fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and drama."— Presentation transcript:

1 Genres A category of literature. The main literary genres are fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and drama.

2 PROJECT: Part One (10 points) You will create a graphic organizer showing one genre. You will define the genre and give an example of it. (YOU NEED TO USE YOUR TEXTBOOK.) CHOICES: Fiction, Nonfiction, Poetry, and Drama. **NOTE: for Fiction, you must include at least 4 types. **NOTE: for Nonfiction, you must include at least 2 types. (You will be graded on creativity with your graphic organizer and neatness.) Possible graphic organizer ideas: Part Two (40 points) Part Two (10 Points) Create a pneumonic device. (A pneumonic device is a learning technique that aids memory.) Possible pneumonic devices are acronyms or rap/song/poems. REMEMBER: The pneumonic device must also explain/define the terms. outline, web, tree—be creative.memory Part Three (10 points) You will present your entire project to the class. All group members must participate in the presentation. (You will be graded on use of speaking voice, eye contact with the audience, and organization.) You will share your graphic organizer and pneumonic device.

3 What is a pneumonic device? Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Addition, Subtraction. This mnemonic allows us to remember the Order of Operations in math. There Are Seven Days ( a song) Tune: Clementine There are seven days, There are seven days. There are seven days in a week Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,Thursday, Friday, Saturday. There are seven days There are seven days. There are seven days in a week. Sunday, Monday,Tuesday, Wednesday,Thursday, Friday, Saturday.

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