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Biotechnology Using living organisms, or parts of living organisms, to produce food and drugs, and to solve real world problems.

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Presentation on theme: "Biotechnology Using living organisms, or parts of living organisms, to produce food and drugs, and to solve real world problems."— Presentation transcript:

1 Biotechnology Using living organisms, or parts of living organisms, to produce food and drugs, and to solve real world problems

2 Biotechnology What “parts” of living things are used in biotechnology? Give an example of a problem that has been solved using biotechnology. Question

3 Genetic Testing Takes DNA and breaks it apart, these smaller pieces are analyzed for mutations that link to specific genetic diseases

4 Genetic Testing What are some examples of genetic diseases? Question

5 Gene Therapy Uses viruses and bacteria to enter a cell and replace defective genes with healthy genes.

6 Gene Therapy What does it mean to have a defective gene? Question

7 Cloning The creation of genetically identical organisms

8 Cloning What could be a possible use for creating clones? Question

9 Tissue Culturing Growing human tissue and organs in a laboratory such as ears, livers, and hearts, to be used as transplants

10 Tissue Culturing Why would growing human tissue or organs in a lab be important to do? Question

11 Bioengineers Use living things to create products that meet human needs.

12 Bioengineers What type of jobs would a bioengineer do? Question

13 Agriculture The science and practice of farming; includes growing crops and raising animals to provide food, wool and other products

14 Agriculture What are North Carolina’s main agriculture industries? Question

15 Bioremediation Uses microbes like bacteria to remove harmful toxins from the environment

16 Bioremediation Give an example of bioremediation being used in a real clean-up situation. Question

17 Transgenic Organisms that have genes from a different species artificially inserted into their cells

18 Transgenic How is making transgenic organisms useful in the real world? Question

19 Bt Corn The DNA of this corn was modified by adding a gene from a bacteria, Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt), so that the corn produces a natural pesticide

20 Bt Corn Where does the name “Bt” corn come from? Question

21 Golden Rice A rice strain that has been genetically modified to make beta-carotene (needed to make Vitamin-A). This rice is used to combat malnutrition and blindness in third world countries.

22 Golden Rice Why is the creation of golden rice so important? Question

23 GMO’s Genetically Modified Organism

24 GMO’s What is one advantage and one disadvantage of GMO foods? Question

25 Ethics The moral principles of an individual

26 Ethics Describe one biotechnology that is an ethical concern to a lot of people. Question

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