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Trigger/inner liner work in Perugia KOPIO collaboration meeting Feb 7,2004.

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Presentation on theme: "Trigger/inner liner work in Perugia KOPIO collaboration meeting Feb 7,2004."— Presentation transcript:

1 Trigger/inner liner work in Perugia KOPIO collaboration meeting Feb 7,2004

2 -2- Trigger/Inner liner – KOPIO meeting - 7/2/04 Subjects l Trigger u Ermanno’s rate/efficiency estimates u 10 X 10 tunable coincidence matrix u Plans for simulation of “tracking” algorithms l Inner liner u The detector scheme we have in mind u Test program and status u Simulation plans l Manpower+financial situation

3 -3- Trigger/Inner liner – KOPIO meeting - 7/2/04 L0 trigger: the bottom line of Ermanno’s simulation l Ingredients u Cluster counting on prerad+shashlik x-y “strips” integrated in depth u Penetration condition (at least two adjacent layers in PR) u Use of vetoes (±5ns time window) except v Far downstream v Catcher u Prerad scintillator timing with resolution from position compensated coincidences l Typical results u Rate 32 kHz u Efficiency 62%

4 -4- Trigger/Inner liner – KOPIO meeting - 7/2/04 Ermanno’s trigger simulatiom l Further simulation plans u Test pattern recognition algorithms with sensitivity to track directions u New undergraduate (Michele Viti) will start working on this

5 -5- Trigger/Inner liner – KOPIO meeting - 7/2/04 Improve PR online time resolution l Second prototype of x-y coincidence matrix with delay compensation 10 X 10 matrix on an ACTEL A54SX08A ( no placement & routing costraints ) Delay value set in 4 steps of ~0.4ns (value loaded serially)

6 -6- Trigger/Inner liner – KOPIO meeting - 7/2/04 Performance of 10 X 10 coincidence matrix l Measure delays of each output wrt first in same row/column: l Reprogram delay values to 1.3ns per cell l Histogram  =(measured value) – (set value) Small tail of delays too large at minimum setting Can be improved with:  placement/routing constraints  higher speed-grade devices

7 -7- Trigger/Inner liner – KOPIO meeting - 7/2/04 I.L. : what we have in mind Legend: shashlik crystal WLS bar/fibre beam l Assumptions: u IL only inside Shashlik u All crystals in a row parallel to beam axis can be read out with a single WLS plate running on top of the fins u If crystals match the Shashlik modules they can be held in the same mechanical structure

8 -8- Trigger/Inner liner – KOPIO meeting - 7/2/04 Test setup l Motivated by u Results of Woody,Stoll,Frank, IEEE Trans.Nucl.Sci 42(1995)292 v BC 404: 85 p.e./MeV ( no longer produced by Bicron ) v BC 408: ~25% less ( no longer produced by Bicron ) u Optical simulation by Mauro Raggi l We plan to test u Bicron BC 408 3mm u Bicron BC 499 6mm u Kuraray SCSN-81 3,6,9mm u Kuraray SCSN-61 3mm l Test stand with tracking for cosmic rays u Expect to start sometimes in march

9 -9- Trigger/Inner liner – KOPIO meeting - 7/2/04 CsI crystal assembly

10 -10- Trigger/Inner liner – KOPIO meeting - 7/2/04 CsI crystal assembly

11 -11- Trigger/Inner liner – KOPIO meeting - 7/2/04 Absorption spectra SCSF-81,61 BC-408 BC-404 BC-499

12 -12- Trigger/Inner liner – KOPIO meeting - 7/2/04 Inner liner simulation studies l Need to learn u Is inner liner needed ? u Can we do without PR inner liner? u What is an optimized configuration ? l Tools u Inner liner geometry v Basic description included in KOPIO Geant v Has to be made compatible with subsequent modifications u Fast/hybrid option of KOPIO GEANT MC v Developed and tested by Ermanno on version v04 v If GEANT simulation only for tracks within 20 cm from the beam hole, execution time improved by >5X v Note + update to version v06 in preparation l New undergraduate (Alessandro Grelli) will start working on this

13 -13- Trigger/Inner liner – KOPIO meeting - 7/2/04 Manpower + financial situation l The work described here has been performed by u Ermanno Imbergamo research contract, now Ph.D student (NA48) u Riccardo Cenci undergraduate, now Ph.D student in Pisa u Mauro Raggi now Ph.D. student (NA48) u N.Nappi, G.Anzivino, M.Valdata, P.Cenci v None at full time + some interests are shifting l Material for crystal tests bought with INFN FY 2003 money l Very small budget allocated by INFN on FY 2004 u 4.000(+4000)€ + 7000€ (travel) l INFN has strongly recommended to enlarge the italian component of the collaboration l Deadline for final assessment of interests in Perugia and Italy v 2005 budget requests, to be filled in june

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