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EE 460 Advanced Control and Sys Integration Monday, August 24 EE 460 Advanced Control and System Integration Slide 1 of 13.

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1 EE 460 Advanced Control and Sys Integration Monday, August 24 EE 460 Advanced Control and System Integration Slide 1 of 13

2 Course Outline Monday, August 24 EE 460 Advanced Control and System Integration Course Web Page:   Canvas Canvas o Please set the Time Zone in CANVAS to Arizona (NOT EASTERN TIME ZONE) in two places (go to Settings): – First when you first enter CANVAS, and then for each course Textbook(s):  Required Text: Control Systems Engineering, 7th Edition by Norman S. NiseControl Systems Engineering  Optional Text: Linear State-Space Control Systems by R.L. Williams II and D.A. Lawrence - ISBN 978-0-471-73555-7Linear State-Space Control Systems Slide 2 of 13

3 Course Outline Monday, August 24 EE 460 Advanced Control and System Integration Software Usage:  MATLAB and Simulink and MATLAB and Simulink  Mathematica (optional) or MATLAB symbolic toolbox Lectures: (Section 01)  When: M/W/F 2:00 p.m. – 2:50 p.m.  Where: KEC Rm 130 Office Hours:  When: o Monday, Wed, and Friday 10:00 am – 11:00 am & o Monday and Wed 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm  Where: KEC Rm 108 Slide 3 of 13

4 Course Outline Monday, August 24 EE 460 Advanced Control and System Integration Instructor:  Dr. Stephen Bruder Dr. Stephen Bruder  Office: King Eng. Center Rm. 108  Email: Slide 4 of 13

5 Course Outline Monday, August 24 EE 460 Advanced Control and System Integration Course Description  Study of modern control methods including state variables, controllability and observability, and modern design techniques. Topics covered include state space realization theory, observability/controllability, linear feedback control, observers and Kalman filtering or Optimal Control  A design project will be part of the coursework. Slide 5 of 13

6 Course Outline Monday, August 24 EE 460 Advanced Control and System Integration Course Description  Brief Review of required linear algebra (2-weeks) o Basic matrix theory o Concept of rank, determinant, … o Eigenvectors, eigenvalues, transformations, etc.  State Space Representation(s) (3-weeks) o PVCF, observable, and controllable forms o Solving for the state transition matrix o Relationship between state-space and classical control o Basic Linearization Slide 6 of 13

7 Course Outline Monday, August 24 EE 460 Advanced Control and System Integration  Observability and Controllability (1-week)  Linear Feedback Control (2-weeks) o Full state fb, Output fb, and pole placement o Ackerman’s formulae  Linear Observer Design (2-weeks) o Full order observers o Reduced order observers  Kalman Filtering (2-weeks) o Intro to Random processes o Least squares estimation o The discrete Kalman Filter  Linear, Quadratic Optimal Control (alternative to KF) Slide 7 of 13

8 Course Outline Monday, August 24 EE 460 Advanced Control and System Integration Grading Scheme  Ten Homework Assignments: 30% Ten Homework Assignments o Your lowest hwk grade will be dropped o Must show work – Providing only the answer is insufficient!! o The work you submit MUST be your own!!  Two Mid-Term Exams: 15% each (total 30%) Two Mid-Term Exams o Open book and open notes o Exams will be cumulative  Class Participation: 5% o Attend class and participate constructively Slide 8 of 13

9 Course Outline Monday, August 24 EE 460 Advanced Control and System Integration Grading Scheme  Final Project: 35% o Will include an in-class presentation and final project report o Each student will analyze, design, and implement a state- space controller – Hardware will be provided » Linear or rotary inverted penduluminverted pendulum » Other systems (e.g., Qbot 2 mobile robot)Qbot 2 mobile robot Slide 9 of 13

10 Course Outline Monday, August 24 EE 460 Advanced Control and System Integration Class Schedule Slide 10 of 13

11 Introduction to Modern Control: What is modern control? Monday, August 24 EE 460 Advanced Control and System Integration Slide 11 of 13 Modern ControlClassical Control Applicability MIMO systems Time-varying systems SISO systems Time-invariant systems Required Math Linear algebra Laplace transform Modeling State-space equations Continuous & discrete time Transfer functions Continuous & discrete time Analysis Time domain Pole placement, observability, controllability, … Time & frequency domain Root locus, Routh Hurwitz, … Design Observer, state-feedback controller, … Optimal, robust, nonlinear control PID controller lead-lag compensator Implementation Embedded computer  -processor, DSP, FPGA, … PLC OP-Amps, circuit elements, … What is modern control?

12 History of Control Theory Monday, August 24 EE 460 Advanced Control and System Integration Slide 12 of 13 Classical control: pre-1950  Transfer function based methods o Time-domain design & analysis o Frequency-domain design & analysis Modern control: 1950 to 1980  State-space-based methods o Optimal control o Adaptive control Post modern control: post-1980  H∞ control  Robust control  Non-linear control

13 Steps to Deploying a Controller Monday, August 24 EE 460 Advanced Control and System Integration Slide 13 of 13 Step1: Modeling & Identification  Physics based  ODE models Step2: Analysis  Stability, controllability, and observability Step3: Design  Classical, modern, and post-modern control Step4: Simulation  MATLAB, Simulink, Mathematica, etc…. Step5: Implementation  PLC, Embedded computer, …

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