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Brought to you by: Experience: Guard, maximum security reformatory for Boys (1 year) Probation Officer for teenaged Girls (5 years) Practicing Attorney.

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3 Brought to you by:

4 Experience: Guard, maximum security reformatory for Boys (1 year) Probation Officer for teenaged Girls (5 years) Practicing Attorney (38 years) Owner of property management company (15 years) Law School Instructor ( 3 years) Math Teacher (12 years) I think that makes me VERY old!!!! Don’t I wish>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

5 Goals of Math Models: To review Algebra I topics in preparation for Algebra II while earning an additional credit for Math Models To prepare students to improve their PSAT, SAT and ACT test scores and placement tests in college. To relate math concepts to science, art, music, business and every day life applications.

6 How can you help?

7 Email and Phone Or Purplemommy133 @ Phone 512-464-6544 Web page: Go to McNeil Directory and follow my name to my web page

8 Science connection Archimedes “Eureka!!! I have found it” We drop canisters of pennies into beakers of water and graph the results.

9 Hook’s Law Investigate the math of Bungees

10 Math In Art We will make a fractal out of the Pythagorean Theorem

11 Tessellations (patterns) And make cool tessellations

12 Algebra We will spend lots and lots of time with Algebra

13 Data Collection By Halloween their heads will spin and they will call me the PURPLE WITCH

14 Graphs And for some unknown reason, We will learn all about graphs

15 Calculators We will learn how to use the calculator “Cheap tricks!!!!”

16 Probability And baffle ourselves with probability

17 This class is a lot of work Projects Projects Projects I grade every word or number they put on projects I never settle for failing papers I expect their best and they probably don’t even know yet what that is They may hate me now, but in the end I will turn out to be their best friend

18 Tutoring: Tuesday nights in the library with a Math teacher and hopefully Thursdays. Hours to be arranged Every Monday night in my room. If no one shows by 4:20, I leave. AM 8:30 to 9:00 unless I am in a Meeting (never on Thursday) You can also go to tutoring with the Algebra I teachers. I will post their hours on my web page when I know them.

19 NO CELL PHONES IN CLASS Abandon electronics all ye who enter here!!!! cell phones will be turned into office Electronics, books, make up, etc. can only be obtained by parents

20 Dress code strictly enforced!!!!!

21 Thank you for coming Laura Ives Craft, JD

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