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Lessons From The Old Testament Law Exodus 21. Understanding The Old Testament Law 1. The Moral Law: The Ten Commandments Exodus 19-20 1. The Moral Law:

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Presentation on theme: "Lessons From The Old Testament Law Exodus 21. Understanding The Old Testament Law 1. The Moral Law: The Ten Commandments Exodus 19-20 1. The Moral Law:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lessons From The Old Testament Law Exodus 21

2 Understanding The Old Testament Law 1. The Moral Law: The Ten Commandments Exodus 19-20 1. The Moral Law: The Ten Commandments Exodus 19-20

3 Understanding The Old Testament Law 2. The Civil Law: Rules For A Safe, Healthy, Orderly Society Exodus 21-24 2. The Civil Law: Rules For A Safe, Healthy, Orderly Society Exodus 21-24

4 Understanding The Old Testament Law 3. The Ceremonial Law: Pointing The Way To Christ Exodus 25-40 3. The Ceremonial Law: Pointing The Way To Christ Exodus 25-40

5 Understanding The Old Testament Law The Moral Law: The Ten Commandments Exodus 19-20 The Moral Law: The Ten Commandments Exodus 19-20 Binding upon all people at all times

6 Understanding The Old Testament Law The Moral Law: The Ten Commandments Exodus 19-20 The Moral Law: The Ten Commandments Exodus 19-20 An expression of the moral character of God

7 Understanding The Old Testament Law The Moral Law: The Ten Commandments Exodus 19-20 The Moral Law: The Ten Commandments Exodus 19-20 Because God’s character is unchanging, it is always wrong to murder, lie, steal, and so on

8 Understanding The Old Testament Law The Civil Law: Rules For A Safe, Healthy, Orderly Society Exodus 21-24 The Civil Law: Rules For A Safe, Healthy, Orderly Society Exodus 21-24 Given to Israel only, as a theocracy

9 Understanding The Old Testament Law The Civil Law: Rules For A Safe, Healthy, Orderly Society Exodus 21-24 The Civil Law: Rules For A Safe, Healthy, Orderly Society Exodus 21-24 Nations of the world are free to develop their own laws

10 Understanding The Old Testament Law The Civil Law: Rules For A Safe, Healthy, Orderly Society Exodus 21-24 The Civil Law: Rules For A Safe, Healthy, Orderly Society Exodus 21-24 The laws of most nations resemble, to some extent, Israel’s civil law

11 Understanding The Old Testament Law The Ceremonial Law: Pointing the Way to Christ Exodus 25-40 The Ceremonial Law: Pointing the Way to Christ Exodus 25-40 This was the “schoolmaster,” delivering us to Christ Galatians 3:24-25 This was the “schoolmaster,” delivering us to Christ Galatians 3:24-25

12 Understanding The Old Testament Law The Ceremonial Law: Pointing the Way to Christ Exodus 25-40 The Ceremonial Law: Pointing the Way to Christ Exodus 25-40 This was a “shadow,” picturing Christ’s work of atonement Colossians 2:16-17 This was a “shadow,” picturing Christ’s work of atonement Colossians 2:16-17

13 Understanding The Old Testament Law The Ceremonial Law: Pointing the Way to Christ Exodus 25-40 The Ceremonial Law: Pointing the Way to Christ Exodus 25-40 Christians are commanded not to be enslaved again by the Law Galatians 5:1 Christians are commanded not to be enslaved again by the Law Galatians 5:1

14 Lessons From The Old Testament Law Exodus 21 Lessons From The Old Testament Law Exodus 21 1. Laws Concerning Hebrew Slaves vs. 1-11 1. Laws Concerning Hebrew Slaves vs. 1-11

15 Lessons From The Old Testament Law Exodus 21 Lessons From The Old Testament Law Exodus 21 2. Laws Concerning Personal Injury vs. 12-27 2. Laws Concerning Personal Injury vs. 12-27

16 Lessons From The Old Testament Law Exodus 21 Lessons From The Old Testament Law Exodus 21 3. Laws Concerning Animals That Kill or Maim vs. 28-36 3. Laws Concerning Animals That Kill or Maim vs. 28-36

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