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FY12 Tuition Projections Tuition charged by Texas public universities is a combination of two charges: –Statutory Tuition –Designated Tuition 1.

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Presentation on theme: "FY12 Tuition Projections Tuition charged by Texas public universities is a combination of two charges: –Statutory Tuition –Designated Tuition 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 FY12 Tuition Projections Tuition charged by Texas public universities is a combination of two charges: –Statutory Tuition –Designated Tuition 1

2 FY12 Statutory Tuition Statutory Tuition is referred to as General Revenue Dedicated (GR-D) and a source of state funding for the formula. 2

3 FY12 Statutory Tuition Rates Texas Education Code § 54.051 establishes rates for UG/GR and Resident/Non-Resident –Resident Statutory tuition rates: Undergraduate, Resident $50 / Semester Credit Hour Graduate, Resident$100 / Semester Credit Hour 3

4 FY12 Statutory Tuition Rates Non-Resident rate established by THECB based on the average NR tuition of the 5 most populous states (public universities): FY10 Rate: UG $327 / SCHGR $654 / SCH FY11 Rate: UG $360 / SCHGR $720 / SCH (+10%) FY12 Rate: UG $363 / SCH GR $726 / SCH (+0.8%) 4

5 FY12 Non-Resident Rate Calculation Nonresident (public university) tuition & fees in the 5 most populous states: 5 State2011-2012 Total Tuition for 30 SCH Florida$17,678 Illinois 17,319 California 16,591 Pennsylvania 15,038 New York 14,615 Average 16,248 Less average TX Mandatory fees & Designated Tuition Base Texas Non Resident Tuition $10,902 = $363/SCH UTSA UG NR Tuition (30 Hrs) Statutory $ 10,890 Designated 4,283 Mandatory Fees 2,500 Total $17,673

6 Texas Public Education Grants (TPEG) Mandatory financial aid program per Ed Code 56.033(a)(2) funded by statutory tuition: 15% of Resident tuition 3% of Non Resident tuition TPEG budget is set using target enrollments: Using actual enrollment census data for each semester, TPEG allocations are adjusted as necessary. 6

7 FY 2011 Statutory Tuition Revenue Projection 7 Statutory Tuition Revenue Projections FY 2011 Revenue Generating SCH FALL (Actual) SPRING (Actual) SUMMER (Projected) TOTAL (Projected) UG - Resident 300,242275,22153,982629,445 UG - Non-Resident 7,0707,3951,16915,634 Graduate - Resident 21,56121,5167,61950,696 Graduate - Non-Resident 1,6511,7592263,636 Doctoral - Resident 4,4754,3741,21610,065 Doctoral - Non-Resident 1561017264 Total Semester Credit Hours 335,155310,36664,219709,740 47.2%43.7%9%100%

8 FY 2011 Statutory Tuition Revenue Projection 8 Statutory Tuition Revenue Projections FY 2011 Gross Revenue FALL (Actual) SPRING (Actual) SUMMER (Projected) TOTAL (Projected) UG - Resident 15,012,10013,761,0502,699,100 $31,472,250 UG - Non-Resident 2,545,2002,662,200420,840 5,628,240 Graduate - Resident 2,156,1002,151,600761,900 5,069,600 Graduate - Non-Resident 1,188,7201,266,480162,720 2,617,920 Doctoral - Resident 447,500437,400121,600 1,006,500 Doctoral - Non-Resident 112,32072,7205,040 190,080 Total Semester Credit Hours 21,461,94020,351,4504,171,200 45,984,410 46.7% 44.3% 9%100%

9 Establishing FY12 Enrollment Targets How many non-residents will actually pay the out of state tuition rate? Non-resident & international students appointed to a 20 hour per week TA/GA position pay in-state tuition rates Graduate students taking undergraduate level courses, pay UG tuition rate Overestimating has a substantial financial impact: 10 FTE UG NR students (30 SCH each) = $108,900 annualized 10 FTE GR NR students (18 SCH each) = $130,680 annualized 9

10 Establishing FY12 Enrollment Targets Other factors impossible to predict with absolute certainty that impact tuition revenue projections: –Continued increase in the number of military and family qualifying for Hazelwood exemptions –Availability of financial aid –Changes in admissions criteria –Summer as the trailing semester 10

11 Recommended FY 2012 Enrollment Targets 11 Statutory Tuition BUDGET 2012 Revenue Generating SCH FALLSPRING SUMMERTOTAL UG - Resident295,000270,40052,500618,400 UG - Non-Resident6,8006,7001,10014,600 Graduate - Resident21,00020,6257,50049,125 Graduate - Non-Resident1,5501,5252003,275 Doctoral - Resident4,3754,3001,2009,875 Doctoral - Non-Resident150750225 Total Semester Credit Hours328,875303,62562,500695,000 47.3%43.7%9%100%

12 Difference between Projected FY11 & Recommended FY12 Statutory Tuition Budget 12 Statutory Tuition Revenue Generating SCH FALLSPRING SUMMERTOTAL UG - Resident -5,242 SCH ($262,100) -4,821 SCH ($241,050) -1,482 SCH ($74,100) -11,545 SCH ($577,250) UG - Non-Resident -270 SCH ($76,800) -695 SCH ($230,100) -69 SCH ($21,540) -1,034 SCH ($328,260) Graduate - Resident -561 SCH ($56,100) -891 SCH ($89,100) -119 SCH ($11,900) -1,571 SCH ($157,100) Graduate – NonResident -101 SCH ($63,420) -234 SCH ($159,330) -26 SCH ($17,520) -361 SCH ($240,270) Doctoral - Resident -100 SCH ($10,000) -74 SCH ($7,400) -16 SCH ($1,600) -190 SCH ($19,000) Doctoral - Non-Resident -6 SCH ($3,420) -26 SCH ($18,270) -7 SCH ($5,040) -39 SCH ($26,730) Total SCH -6,280 SCH ($471,840) -6,741 SCH ($745,250) -1,719 SCH ($131,520) -14,740 SCH ($1,348,610)

13 FY12 Statutory Tuition Projection 13 Statutory Tuition FY 2011 GAA FY 2011 Base Budget FY 2012 HB1 Requirement Variance FY2011 GAA & HB1 GR-D 77035,280,35339,149,22538,058,0542,777,701 GR-D 7043,315,683 3,603,474 287,791 Total38,596,03642,752,69941,661,5283,065,492 This amount is built into our CY base budget – meaning we have already “spent” it. Technically, this amount must be made up as a funding source for the formula – difference between HB1 & CY GAA.

14 Statutory Tuition 14 Statutory Tuition FY 2011 Base Budget FY 2012 HB1 Requirement FY 2012 Projection Chg FY12 Proj to HB1 GR-D 77039,149,22538,058,05440,415,300 GR-D 704 3,603,474 4,220,500-- Total42,752,69941,661,52844,635,800 2,974,272 Difference between FY2012 HB1 & 2011 Base Budget-3,065,492 Net Variance -91,220 During the budget planning process we consider only the net change in GR (and the actual change in GR-D from one operating budget to the next.)

15 Recommended FY12 Designated Tuition Revenue Budget FY12 SCH Basis 10,000 SCH increase or 1.5% over FY11 budget target (695,000 versus 685,000 SCH) Gross Increment due to rate change = $7,535,000 Gross Increment due to enrollment growth = 1,427,500 $ 8,962,500 15

16 FY12 Designated Tuition Revenue Budget SCH Basis Rate FY 12 695,000 * $142.75 = $ 99,211,250 FY 11 685,000 * $131.75 = $ 90,248,750 Change $ 8,962,500 Financial Aid Set Aside - 1,571,302 Net Designated Tuition Increase $7,391,198 Given uncertainty with financial aid & potential impacts on enrollment, a portion of the projected increase should be allocated to reserves; if achieved funds can be made available for one time, institutional needs. 16

17 FY12 Mandatory Fee Projections Rates approved for increase: –Athletics (+ 13%; $2/semester credit hour) Minimum rate = $17/SCH Max payment = $17*12 SCH, or $204/semester –Medical Services Fee (+ 4%; $1.25/student/semester) Flat rate – all students pay $32.70 per semester 17

18 FY12 Mandatory Fee Projections 18 Fee 2012 Rate FY2011 Base Budget Recommended FY 2012 Budget Budgeted Increase Athletics $17Min/$204Max 9,359,40010,818,0001,458,600 Automated Svcs (IT) $25SCH/$100 Min/$300 Max 15,762,00016,084,000322,000 Energy $28.5/Sem 1,832,8001,884,00051,200 Intn’l Education $2/Sem 128,600132,0003,400 Library Resources $14/SCH 9,570,8009,663,00092,200 Medical Services $32.70/Sem 2,022,5002,162,000139,500 Univ Publications $5/Sem 321,500330,0008,500 Records Processing $10/Sem 645,700661,00015,300 Recreation Center $120/Sem 7,716,9007,952,000235,100 Student Services $15.40 Min/$184.8 0 Max 9,775,15010,000,000224,850

19 FY12 Mandatory Fee Projections 19 Fee 2012 Rate FY2011 Base Budget Recommended FY 2012 Budget Budgeted Increase Teaching & Learning Ctr $5/Semester 321,500331,0009,500 Transportation $20/Semester (except Summer) 1,082,2001,098,00015,800 University Center 10 SCH / $40 Min / $120 Max 6,304,8006,434,000129,200 I.D. Card $3/Semester 192,900198,0005,100 Green Fee $5/Semester 180,000330,000150,000 Total Mandatory Student Fees$65,216,750$68,077,000$2,860,250

20 FY12 College /Course Fee Projections 20 Fee FY2011 Base Budget Recommended FY 2012 Budget Budget Change 1. UG Application$967,800$1,076,000108,200 2. COLFA UG Advising$920,000978,00058,000 3. Freshman Advising$967,000953,000 4. UG Learning Resources (TRC)$966,000945,000 5. COB UG Advising$901,000906,0005,000 6. Orientation & Transition Pgms$888,850889,000150 7. COS Technology & Support$766,000801,00035,000 8. COS Learning Resources$766,000801,00035,000 9. COB Global Business Skills$666,000680,00014,000 10. COB Learning Resources$624,000634,00010,000 Top 10 Largest by Budget

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