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Unit 4, Week 6: Night 3/11-3/15 English 9. 3/11-3/15 ObjectiveAssignmentsHW MonCompose a letterWU: Word Roots Rough draft a letter to the Author Letter.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 4, Week 6: Night 3/11-3/15 English 9. 3/11-3/15 ObjectiveAssignmentsHW MonCompose a letterWU: Word Roots Rough draft a letter to the Author Letter."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 4, Week 6: Night 3/11-3/15 English 9

2 3/11-3/15 ObjectiveAssignmentsHW MonCompose a letterWU: Word Roots Rough draft a letter to the Author Letter due at end of period TuesAssess understanding Book Test Turn in Night Study Guide WedWrite PoetryGuest teacher: Emily Inwood ThursExpand your vocabulary WU: Word Roots My Yiddish Dictionary Yiddish Story due Monday FriWrite PoetryGuest teacher: Emily Inwood

3 Yiddish Terms for Everyday Use Oy Vey!

4 What is Yiddish? Yiddish is a language that can be traced to the Ashkenazi tribe of Jews. Yiddish and Hebrew are similar in many ways, but they are also different. Hebrew is a more classical language that can be traced to different roots (though they both use the same alphabet). Yiddish has grown and absorbed parts from other languages, even Italian and Russian.

5 Who speaks Yiddish??? Who doesn’t speak Yiddish??? Yiddish words are used by all sorts of Americans every day! Have you ever felt like a klutz? Have you ever eaten a bagel? Have you ever encountered a glitch? Have you ever gotten your tush pinched? Or your tushy?

6 Where dey at?

7 Videos to get you in the spirit Barbara Streisand shows up on “Coffee Talk”: offee_Talk_With_Mike_Myers_A_Classic/#.UTjNcdaDmu I offee_Talk_With_Mike_Myers_A_Classic/#.UTjNcdaDmu I “Yiddish with Dick and Jane”

8 Mensch: an honorable, or good person Bubkes: nothing, trivial, nonsense Chutzpah: self-confidence, guts Kvetch: complain

9 L’chaim: to life! Meshugah: crazy, absurd Nosh: munch, snack (verb or noun)—have a nosh; nosh on this Oy, oy vey, oy gevalt: OMG! Oh no!

10 Shlep: carry, drag, lug around Shtick: someone’s talent, gimmick, routine (as in act) Yenta: gossip, blabbermouth Mazel tov, mazel: congratulations! Hooray!

11 Plotz: to burst or explode (as from laughing) Verklempt: overcome with emotion Kibosh: to put an end to something/ veto

12 Assignment Write a two-to-three paragraph story using each term once. Underline each term you use.

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