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COM Teaching Effort Reporting: University SGR Funds Distribution Model Joseph C. Fantone, M.D. Faculty Council August 4, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "COM Teaching Effort Reporting: University SGR Funds Distribution Model Joseph C. Fantone, M.D. Faculty Council August 4, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 COM Teaching Effort Reporting: University SGR Funds Distribution Model Joseph C. Fantone, M.D. Faculty Council August 4, 2015

2 State General Revenue (tuition + state $$) University Colleges* University tax: RCM = ~ 42% Specific “earmark” programs Dean Admin.: Med Ed, Grad. + MD/PhD (includes stipends and tuition), PA programs, Faculty Education FTE supported by Dean SGR to Depts. based on proportion of total eRVUs * Based on student credit hours (SCH) and some earmark programs Basic Science Clinical

3 Principles of eRVU Model: Modified Previous Model Funds allocation model not IWL Faculty teaching only COM courses teaching only: Med. + Grad. + PA + Undergrad Includes basic science Dental Courses All teaching given equal weight independent of – learner (e.g. undergrad. vs. medical) or – teacher (e.g. rank or specialty) Does not include residents, post-doctoral fellows, CME Includes only admissions committee work (Med. and Grad.) Clerkships based on student enrollment (student weeks) due to variability in reporting and programs 2011-12: effort assignments reviewed by course/clerkship directors, concentration directors and Curriculum Committee

4 Education ActivityNew Model Lecture /Small Group /Lab3 eRVU/contact hr. Required Clerkship10 eRVU/ student week* Elective Clerkship5 eRVU/ student week: GNV Undergrad shadowing in course0.25 eRVU/ student half day Module/course directors, discipline coordinators 0.05-0.5FTE Collaborative Learning Group (CLG) Faculty Facilitators 0.1 FTE Required med clerkship directors0.4 FTE Concentration Directors IDP0.12 FTE (shared) Course directors (non-med student) Report hours = eRVUs (adjust if receive direct support) Grad student in lab4 eRVUs/week Undergrad research: BMS 49052 eRVUs/week *VA/JAX/other = 3 eRVU/student week 4

5 Education ActivityNew Model Phase 1 Preceptorships10eRVUs/wk MSRP4 eRVUs/ wk Journal clubs3 eRVUs per 1 faculty per 1 contact hour Dissertation CommitteeIncluded as part of 4 eRVUs/week Clerkship coordinatorsDept. support Course coordinators Dept. support except med. interdisciplinary courses centrally supported by OME Admissions committee (MD)3 eRVUs/interview Admissions committee (IDP)3 eRVUs/interview 5

6 Studentweightrate (2011) credit hours Revenue -COM student & COM course MD-resident34.29688.140 $ 88,088 MD- non-resident34.291384.2940 $ 97,282 PHD resident16.02388.5224 $ 25,223 PhD non-resident16.021078.7324 $ 30,690 PA resident9.1388.5240 $ 26,095 PA non-resident9.11182.2640 $ 36,573 Masters resident9.1388.5224 $ 15,656 Masters non-resident9.1107224 $ 21,072 undergrad- resident8.8795.674 $ 2,170 All Teaching Equal Weight: RCM Funds Generation

7 All Teaching Equal Weight: RCM Funds Generation 2011 (Approximate: Based on 2011) Studentweightrate (2011) credit hours Revenue - COM student & COM course * # students sub- total revenue: Post RCM Tax Net revenue % of Total Revenue MD-resident34.29688.140 $88,088530 $28,011,984 MD- non-resident34.291384.2940 $97,28210 $583,692 $28,595,676 81.67% PHD resident16.02388.5224 $25,223150 $2,270,070 PhD non-resident16.021078.7324 $30,69050 $920,700 $3,190,770 9.11% PA resident9.1388.5240 $26,095100 $1,565,700 PA non-resident9.11182.2640 $36,57320 $438,876 $2,004,576 5.73% Masters resident9.1388.5224 $15,65610 $93,936 Masters non-resident9.1107224 $21,07210 $126,432 $220,368 0.63% undergrad- resident8.8795.674 (non COM student = $1519)1100 $ 1,002,540 2.86% Total $35,013,930 * RCM Taxes = ~40%

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