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Welcome to 4 th Grade Curriculum Night Jenny Aylor Shannon Crawford Rebecca Franklin Katie Moore Barbara Stegman.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to 4 th Grade Curriculum Night Jenny Aylor Shannon Crawford Rebecca Franklin Katie Moore Barbara Stegman."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to 4 th Grade Curriculum Night Jenny Aylor Shannon Crawford Rebecca Franklin Katie Moore Barbara Stegman

2 Kentucky Core Academic Standards Common Core Standards Boone County is aligned with the new KCAS/college preparedness standards. These standards are designed to prepare students to achieve at least a 24 on the ACT college entrance exam.

3 Kentucky Core Academic Standards O For more information about the standards your child is learning this year, please check out the following link: O

4 Intervention, Extension, Differentiation O There is a designated grade level time for IED (Intervention, Extension and Differentiation). There will be no new content taught during this time. O Students will be placed in flexible skills groups to better meet their diverse needs. These groups will change throughout the year.

5 RTI-Response to Intervention Response to Intervention (RtI) is a systematic approach of early intervention to meet the needs of students as soon as they experience difficulty. Each student is now benchmarked for RTI in Reading and Math three times a year, in the fall, winter, and spring. Sample Interventions: 1. Core reading program differentiation strategies & small group 2. Interventions from number 1, as well as, one-on-one conferences with faculty and COMPASS, MobyMax, and GoMath 3. Interventions from 1 and 2, as well as, Do the Math, Reading Mastery (including Fast Cycle), Orton-Gillingham, or Voyager

6 S A T O Structured Activity Time O (used to be called recess) O We will go outside to the playground everyday that the weather is permitting O We will go outside when the weather is dry, and the temperature is above 35 degrees…so when the temperature drops----PLEASE send your child with the proper outdoor attire this includes a coat during the winter time!! O Students will go out in the attire they wear to school

7 4-H Program O We have a representative from Boone Cooperative Extension Office coming into each classroom, once a month to do a Science review activity with our students. O Our teacher’s name is Barb McCarthy. O In addition to the science review, students will also learn about parliamentary procedures as well as 4H activities and membership. This membership is free of charge, but not required. Information will be sent home after our first 4H club meeting.

8 Field Trips O Background Checks All parents/relatives going on trips or volunteering at school must have a background check on file at the office. Please be prepared to present your ID. Definite Trips - Sanitation District (October 6 th ) - Children’s Theater (February 18 th ) - COSI (TBD) - 4-H Nature Center(Spring) You will be notified in advance about any other trips.


10  “Bee” Safe  “Bee” Respectful  “Bee” Responsible “Bee” All That You Can Be!

11  After School  Arrival  Assemblies  Bus  Cafeteria  Dismissal  Hallway  Recess  Restroom

12 You are an integral part of this positive approach!

13 Parent Teacher Conferences Tuesday, November 4 th 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Information about the format of these conferences will be sent home soon.

14 Classroom Celebrations Fall Celebration (end of October) Winter Celebration (mid-December) Friendship Celebration (February) To celebrate your child’s birthday you may send a peanut/nut- free treat for your child to share with his or her class. However, no birthday invitations may be handed out at school per school policy. Also, make sure the snack is store bought. Questions on this policy should be directed to a school administrator. Teachers will be seeking room parents to coordinate and organize celebrations. Please let them know ASAP!

15 Grades O Fourth grade is the first year for letter grades!! Your child will receive percentages on graded work, which will include a letter grade. These letter grades follow this scale: O A—94-100% O B—87-93% O C—78-86% O D—70-77% O F—69% and below

16 Weighted Grades O Tests and Projects are worth 50 percent of your child’s grade O Classwork is worth 40 percent of your child’s grade O Homework is worth 10 percent of your child’s grade

17 Infinite Campus Parent Portal

18 Stephens’ Website You can find more information by visiting the Stephens Elementary School website!

19 Stephens’ Website O Each teacher has their own webpage on the site! Ms. Moore’s webpage is the fourth grade landing page and will be a great source for information. O There will no longer be newsletters. All information will be on the website, so please check it regularly. If you do not have internet access, please let your homeroom teacher know so we can make accomodations.

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