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ORCID stats & updates: building trust in research process The 2 nd iAuthor Application and Development Conference 30 November 2015 Nobuko Miyairi Regional.

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Presentation on theme: "ORCID stats & updates: building trust in research process The 2 nd iAuthor Application and Development Conference 30 November 2015 Nobuko Miyairi Regional."— Presentation transcript:

1 ORCID stats & updates: building trust in research process The 2 nd iAuthor Application and Development Conference 30 November 2015 Nobuko Miyairi Regional Director, Asia Pacific 1

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3 Streamlining fund reporting, evaluation and financial audit processes will allow more time for scientists to focus on research itself. Chinese authorities can also facilitate international collaboration by removing administrative barriers to healthy academic exchange. Implementing measures that better encourage researchers to share their data and research would benefit their participation in the global movement towards openly sharing data. 3 Chinese Science in Transition

4 4 …because non-Chinese typically find Chinese names difficult to pronounce and remember, promotion of the Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID) in China will be essential. ORCID is unique to each researcher and allows unambiguous identification of researcher records and contributions for the purposes of peer review selection, as well as ultimately individual- focused assessment exercises. “”

5 BEFORE First name Last name Middle name Transliteration By affiliation By field By journal By co-authors … AFTER 5 Name disambiguation

6 Open Researcher & Contributor ID ORCID is a non-profit organization supported by a global community of organizational members, including research organizations, publishers, funders, professional associations, and other stakeholders in the research ecosystem. 6 What is ORCID?

7 Researchers can register and use ORCID for free of charge whether or not their employer is a member ORCID is an opt-in system. The researcher controls their record: registration, linked information, privacy and access settings An ORCID iD and associated information stays with an individual throughout their career irrespective of affiliation 7 ORCID is Opt-in

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9 Free, non-proprietary, platform-neutral registry of persistent unique public identifiers for researchers Community-based, independent non-profit organization supported by member fees Open data, software, APIs, and documentation 9 ORCID is Open

10 Repositories Funders Higher Education and Employers Professional Associations Other person identifiers Publishers 10 ORCID is a hub ISNI Researcher ID Scopus Author ID Internal identifiers FundRef ID Grant ID ISNI Ringgold ID Member ID Abstract ID DOI URI Thesis ID Dataset ID DOI ISBN ORCID connects different ID systems through open & persistent identifiers Machine-readable Interoperable

11 ORCID enables assertions 11 Tools to allow for easy addition of identifiers (for people, places, and things) during publishing, grant application, thesis deposit, etc. Engage the community to embed, authenticate, and assert

12 12

13 ORCID provides plumbing for research information: the tools to build trust in digital information and to reduce reporting burdens 13

14 14 ORCID is growing! 2012201320142015 Over 1.7 million researchers have registered for an ORCID identifier.

15 Integration in research systems 15 347 members, 4 national consortia, and over 200 integrations in every region and sector of the international research community.

16 National recommendations Austria: Funder requirement 2016 Italy: National consortium 2015 Finland: National recommendation 2015 Australia: National recommendation 2015 Denmark: University launch 2014 Spain: Launched 2 consortia in 2014 Portugal: Funder requirement 2013 Sweden: National recommendation 2013 UK: National recommendation 2013, pilot 2014, consortium 2015 16

17 Sector Responsibilities Funders: COLLECT iDs at grant submission and review; PUBLISH with award; POST info to researcher record; RECEIVE updates Universities: COLLECT iDs for new staff and students, at thesis submission, in faculty profile systems; POST affiliation info; RECEIVE updates Publishers and Repositories: COLLECT iDs for authors, contributors, and reviewers; PUBLISH iD with work, POST paper, dataset, review; RECEIVE updates Associations: COLLECT iDs for members, authors, and meeting participants; POST affiliation and presentation; RECEIVE updates 17

18 18 ORCID @ NPG

19 19 ORCID @ Synapse

20 20 ORCID in submission process ScholarOne allows authors to submit their ORCID iDs More and more publishers & associations adopt ORCID in manuscript submission process

21 eJournalPress (eJP) Send Peer Reviewer “Thank You” e-mail Includes encrypted link to claim credit Link takes Reviewer to EJP Landing Page eJP Landing Page Explains ORCID Peer Review Credit Confirmation button to claim credit If no ORCID access token for Reviewer, they are redirected to ORCID authentication process eJP uses API to record Peer Review Credit 21

22 22 American Geophysical Union Copyright 2015 Send Peer Reviewer “Thank You” e-mail Includes encrypted link to claim credit

23 23 ORCID @ Wellcome Trust Add your ORCID identifier during the grant application process Wellcome Trust has integrated ORCID iDs into its eGrants application system.


25 Create permanent CAS author home page using ORCID iD Exchange works metadata between ORCID and iAuthor List ORCID iD on iAuthor account Formal MOU for cooperation on researcher outreach 25 iAuthor by CAS/NSL

26 Thesis and Dissertations Example: King Abdullah University of Science & Technology

27 27 ORCID @ Web of Science

28 28 ORCID @ Scopus

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31 Authentication? 31 Use an authenticated API to collect iD (username & password) to ensure the person and the iD belong together, the iD is correct (no typos), and that privacy is respected.

32 Interoperability in Action ORCID Record University Library Funde rs submit manuscri pt notifications to member systems Faculty Profiles submit metadata update author ORCID record

33 Over 240,000 articles have been submitted to CrossRef with an associated ORCID iD These are starting to flow into the ORCID registry Researchers who use their ORCID iD when they publish will not need to manually update their record in ORCID or in connected systems 33

34 34 NEW! ORCID inbox

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36 Summary Chinese research community is in the turning point in transforming from resource- based to more value-added model, where reducing administrative burdens is imperative ORCID facilitates auto-update process by working with 300+ member organizations, creating a mechanism of building academic trust We look forward to more organizations to participate in ORCID member community 36

37 37 謝謝 Nobuko Miyairi ORCID Regional Director, Asia Pacific

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