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Mrs. Maimone.  Johannes Gutenberg  He invented movable type.  He invented the printing press around 1450.  His most famous book was the Gutenberg.

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. Maimone.  Johannes Gutenberg  He invented movable type.  He invented the printing press around 1450.  His most famous book was the Gutenberg."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. Maimone

2  Johannes Gutenberg

3  He invented movable type.  He invented the printing press around 1450.  His most famous book was the Gutenberg Bible.  He was from Germany.  He started life as a metal worker.

4  Martin Luther  Ulrich Zwingli  John Calvin

5 He disagreed with indulgences. He posted his 95 theses on the door of the Wittenberg Cathedral, in 1517. Luther believed salvation is achieved through faith in God alone. Followers of Luther and others who protested the Catholic Church came to be called Protestants. Luther believed scriptures are infallible.

6  Zwingli believed scriptures are infallible.  Zwingli did not believe music, hymns, or singing belong in church.  He said there was no basis for them in scriptures.  Luther and Zwingli conducted a pamphlet war.

7  He believed in predestination (God decides whether or not you will be saved and go to Heaven before you are born).  Predestination is also known as “The Doctrine of the Elect.”  He wrote The Institutes of the Christian Religion.  You could not be a citizen of Geneva, Switzerland, unless you were also a member of his church.

8  St. Ignatius of Loyola  Angela Merici  Pope Paul III

9  He was a Spanish soldier and a knight.  He founded the Society of Jesus (aka the Jesuits).  Ignatius believed that Christians should obey the church.

10  Yes, Angela de Merici founded the Ursulines.  The Ursulines were dedicated to teaching girls, and educating the poor and sick.

11  As pope, he led the Council of Trent.  He appointed a group of cardinals to investigate abuses in the church.

12  This Catholic Church council met for 18 years!  The purpose of the Council of Trent was to examine and clarify the teachings of the Catholic Church.  The Council of Trent corrected some abuses associated with indulgences.  The Council also made bishops live where they served.

13  Ptolemy  Nicholas Copernicus  Galileo Galilei

14  Ptolemy, an ancient Greek astronomer, believed in a geocentric view of the solar system.

15  He was a Polish astronomer & Mathematician.  He noticed errors in the Julian Calendar based on Ptolemy’s calculations.  Copernicus concluded that the solar system is heliocentric (the sun is the center of the solar system).  He published On the Revolution of Heavenly Orbs (Bodies)

16  Luther thought Copernicus’ ideas contradicted the scriptures (bible).  They cited biblical passages that they believed supported a geocentric view.

17  He was an Italian mathematician and astronomer  He experimented with pendulums in the Tower of Pisa, which led to a tool for measuring one’s pulse.  Galileo believed that the sun was not just the fixed center of the solar system but the fixed center of the universe.  Church leaders condemned Galileo’s teachings, at first, and ordered him to be put under house arrest.  Galileo was forced to recant his statement.

18  The church told Galileo he could not teach his theory as fact, publicly. It was afraid the theory might cause more divisions among Christians. 


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