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Born on February 19, 1473 in Torun, Poland to a wealthy family Studied painting, math, medicine and then law. Study of law offered him job as a cannon.

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Presentation on theme: "Born on February 19, 1473 in Torun, Poland to a wealthy family Studied painting, math, medicine and then law. Study of law offered him job as a cannon."— Presentation transcript:

1 Born on February 19, 1473 in Torun, Poland to a wealthy family Studied painting, math, medicine and then law. Study of law offered him job as a cannon for a church which helped him to fund his studies. Later developed keen interest in Astronomy

2 Heliocentric Solar System Ptolemy invented the a geocentric planetary Model, which was in consistence with Aristotle’s idea that celestial bodies moved in a circular fashion around a fixed point. Earth. Copernicus showed through mathematical systems that Earth was revolving and heavenly bodies were stationary

3 Why was his work controversial It challenged the authority of Catholic Church It went against the teaching of Bible, which suggested that the earth was the center of the system Acceptance of this theory would have brought Bible’s teaching into question, which could have caused a chaos because people strongly believed in the power of church. Church held an important place as a government al institution

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