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QILT Reporting Approach and 2015 SES progress Quality Indicators for Learning and Teaching.

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Presentation on theme: "QILT Reporting Approach and 2015 SES progress Quality Indicators for Learning and Teaching."— Presentation transcript:

1 QILT Reporting Approach and 2015 SES progress Quality Indicators for Learning and Teaching

2 Just before we get started… Who am I? How questions will be handled Resources available after the webinar SES 2015 Preparations 2

3 Overview 1.QILT Reporting 1.Background 2.Reasons for change 3.Proposed approach - 2014 UES Institution Report demonstration 4.Sector input 2.2015 SES 1.Progress 2.Timelines SES 2015 Preparations 3

4 QILT Reporting Case Study – UES/SES Reports

5 University Experience Survey 2012-2014 National UES Report 2012-2014   Long and technical 2014 report - 95 pages Has attracted some criticism in the media –Too descriptive –Highly aggregated data  Intended Audience Institution Reports 2012-2014  Written component standard text with comparison table at scale level plus analytical tables with scales broken down by demographic variables SES 2015 Preparations 5

6 Reasons to change - Institution Report Increase in smaller institutions without SPSS or data analytics capability Institutional management in institutions often only looking at headline scale scores from current report(s)  Less useful for continuous improvement purposes and targeted strategies Very limited ability to benchmark or interrogate the data from the report  Particularly for institutions not party to a data sharing agreement SES 2015 Preparations 6

7 What are we proposing?  Shorter National Report Focusing on performance indicators Broader audience Technical/methodological report separate  More nuanced institutional reports with benchmarks Dashboard approach to allow quick and easy internal reporting and basic data interrogation Cost neutral option for institutions SES 2015 Preparations 7

8 What will you get:  Business as usual(ish)  Institutional data files in current formats (SPSS & CSV)  National data file (If you have signed up and applied through the Department)  National Report (and technical/methodological report) – publically available from QILT Website  The proposed new bit  Institutional Report (Dashboard) with underlying de-identified data file including agreed benchmark and demographic data Deliverables SES 2015 Preparations 8

9 Using Tableau to report data  Cost neutral to institutions if using the free Tableau Reader  Reports will be distributed as packaged workbooks which can be housed in a shared location or distributed to relevant staff in the organisation if required.  Institutions who have purchased a copy of the same version of Tableau Desktop would be able to customise the dashboards if required.  Tableau Reader can be used for: Live presentations to relevant groups Export of images and tables for presentations and documents Crosstab downloads of relevant tables to MS Excel or Access for distribution to relevant groups. Dashboard reporting SES 2015 Preparations 9

10 Demonstration UES Institutional Report SES 2015 Preparations 10

11 Approvals from the Department and QILT working group on reporting approach. If approved, these reports would be distributed to institutions once the National Data Files and Reports are released for distribution. If you have any thoughts or suggestions regarding these institutional reports please let us know. Where to from here SES 2015 Preparations 11

12 2015 Student Experience Survey Progress and timelines

13 Take a bow! (You all deserve it) 2015 SES Progress - in a couple of words SES 2015 Preparations 13

14 With only a few days and one reminder to go …  Nationally 128,328 completed surveys compared with 108,322 in 2014  Overall average response rate for the Universities of 33.5% compared with 30.1% in 2014 (not that we focus on response rate – it’s all about the targets)  Almost all institutions have improved on their 2014 response rates and achievement of their targets  Our NUHEIs have achieved 35.7% overall  Six institutions have already exceeded their overall study area targets and 22 have achieved over 85% 2015 SES Progress SES 2015 Preparations 14

15 Online survey closes this weekend Telephone follow up period for those who booked it SRC follow up on coding or data queries with institutions  (Please get back to us quickly! The sooner you do the sooner we can finalise the files and the reports!) Institutional interim data files distributed (as per 2014) Final reports distributed once they are released by the Department Where to from here? SES 2015 Preparations 15

16 To summarise… SES 2015 Preparations 16

17 Finally… Questions? SES 2015 Preparations 17

18 Working with the QILT team We are always available to  answer questions (no matter how vague)  provide advice about research methodology or data collection If you have been liaising with a specific person, please contact them directly, otherwise, will always SES 2015 Preparations 18

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