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27 – 29 July 2012 Melbourne Convention & Entertainment Centre Victor Hamit FAICD Wentworth Lawyers Level 40 140 William Street MELBOURNE 3000

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Presentation on theme: "27 – 29 July 2012 Melbourne Convention & Entertainment Centre Victor Hamit FAICD Wentworth Lawyers Level 40 140 William Street MELBOURNE 3000"— Presentation transcript:

1 27 – 29 July 2012 Melbourne Convention & Entertainment Centre Victor Hamit FAICD Wentworth Lawyers Level 40 140 William Street MELBOURNE 3000 Email: NFP’s PLACE IN SOCIETY & ECONOMY 29 July 2012

2 1. OVERVIEW 1.1Intergenerational Report 1.2Productivity Commission 1.3AICD/Centre for Social Impact 2. POLITICS AND CHARITY 3. MICRO LEVEL 3.1Sporting Facilities 3.2Community Services 3.3Medicare Locals 4.REFORM FATIGUE

3 NFP’S PLACE IN SOCIETY & ECONOMY 1. OVERVIEW 1.1Australia to 2050: FUTURE CHALLENGES January 2010  number of working age people to support each Australian aged 65 or more  2050: 2.7  2010: 5  1970: 7.5

4 1.1Australia to 2050: FUTURE CHALLENGES cont’d  Estimated population 35.9m  Ageing population  % of population of traditional working age to fall from 65% to 61%  Productivity  Health costs

5 NFP’S PLACE IN SOCIETY & ECONOMY PRODUCTIVITY COMMISSION: 1.2PRODUCTIVITY COMMISSION: “Report on Contribution of the Not-for Profit sector – January 2010  Number of NFP’s  1996 – 520,000  2010 – 610,000  Contribution to GDP  2000 - $21b  2000 – 3.3% of GDP  2007 - $43b  2007 – 4.1% of GDP  Volunteers contributed in unpaid work  2000 - $8.9b  2007 - $14.6b

6 NFP’S PLACE IN SOCIETY & ECONOMY AICD/CENTRE FOR SOCIAL IMPACT 1.3AICD/CENTRE FOR SOCIAL IMPACT “Directors Social Impact Study 2011” Examining the Contribution of Directors to Australia’s NFP Sector”  NFP NED’s each spend approximately 7 weeks per year as directors of NFP.  89% of NFP NED’s voluntary (valued at $100m annually)  NFP NED’s skills comparable to those of FP directors.

7 NFP’S PLACE IN SOCIETY & ECONOMY 2.POLITICS AND CHARITY  Aid/Watch Inc v Commissioner of Taxation [2010] HCA 42 at para 48: the majority judgement stated: “…… Australia there is no general doctrine which excludes from charitable purposes “political” objects.....”  Is there a link between the decrease in membership of political parties (by nearly 50% and the growth of NFP’s?

8 NFP’S PLACE IN SOCIETY & ECONOMY 3.MICRO LEVEL 3.1Sporting facilities and clubs and Local Government. 3.2Local Government and community services. 3.3Health and Medicare Locals

9 NFP’S PLACE IN SOCIETY & ECONOMY 4.REFORM FATIGUE 4.1Political activities and lobbying. 4.2Peak bodies. 4.3Policy Partnerships. 4.42020

10 27 – 29 July 2012 Melbourne Convention & Entertainment Centre Victor Hamit FAICD Wentworth Lawyers Wentworth Lawyers Level 40 140 William Street MELBOURNE 3000 Email: Email: NFP’s PLACE IN SOCIETY & ECONOMY 29 July 2012

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