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Effective Task Force Development: An Analysis of a Community Task Force on Homelessness National Alliance to End Homelessness Annual Conference July 9,

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Presentation on theme: "Effective Task Force Development: An Analysis of a Community Task Force on Homelessness National Alliance to End Homelessness Annual Conference July 9,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Effective Task Force Development: An Analysis of a Community Task Force on Homelessness National Alliance to End Homelessness Annual Conference July 9, 2007

2 10 Steps to Developing a Task Force 1. Decide to create your Task Force 2. Research past efforts 3. Assemble the Task Force 4. Ensure consumer involvement

3 10 Steps to Developing a Task Force (con’t) 4. Create the agenda 5. Keep Task Force members engaged 6. Keep your community involved 7. Political Considerations

4 10 Steps to Developing a Task Force (con’t) 9. Generate the Final Report 10. Create an Implementation Board

5 1. Why create a Task Force now? Appropriate political climate Strong community interest in topic Examples: 1. Prior groundwork with Mayor 2. Panhandler/homeless camps Lessons Learned: Attach Task Force to existing permanent entity

6 2. Has this been done before in your community? Applying research from the past Integrate what you learn Examples: 1. All six past efforts had single focus 2. None had implementation plans Lessons Learned: Careful attention to the pressing issue of the day

7 3. Assembling the Task Force? Convener, Chair, staff How to select Task Force members Examples: 1. Mayor, Chair, Coordinating Group 2. Selection of members by community sector Lessons Learned: Introduce members by sector at each meeting

8 4. Consumer involvement in the Task Force Stigmas and myths of the topic Creating status equality Examples: 1. The panhandling issue 2. Consumer voice not valued Lessons Learned: Address the issue of status equality

9 5. Creating the agenda: Your compass for the process Year-long agenda Examples: 1. Created focus and direction 2. Set the momentum Lessons Learned: Hire facilitator for contentious meetings

10 6. Keeping Task Force members Involved Value Task Force members Educate and inform Example: 1. Consistent Mayoral and media focus 2. Readings between meetings, public input Lessons Learned: Assign relevant questions to each reading

11 7. Keeping your community involved Media campaign strategy Mechanisms for public input Examples: 1. Shape pubic perception, create excitement 2. Website for input-plan for responding Lessons Learned: Coordinated plan prior to Task Force beginning

12 8. Political considerations: Coordinate, consult, or congratulate Research concurrent efforts Develop relationships Examples: 1. Miscalculations made 2. Implications Lessons Learned: Be conscious of emerging and on-going efforts

13 9. Generating the final report Bold and pragmatic Measurable outcomes-community input Examples: 1. Assigning action steps to agency/person 2. Presentation to the community Lessons Learned: Keep equal focus on year one and year ten solutions

14 10. Implementation Implementing the plan Political-proof the implementation board Examples: 1. Oversight board 2. Presentation to the community Lessons Learned: Keep equal focus on year one and year ten solutions

15 Conclusion Task Forces are mechanisms for change Foundation of democracy Impossible becomes the attainable Greater good is served

16 Nuts and Bolts of Effective Task Force Development: An Analysis of a Community Task Force on Homelessness An instructional handbook on Task Force development September publication -- www.resourcefulresults.comwww.resourcefulresults.comBy Hilary A. Morgan

17 Resourceful Results, LLC 1216 Duncan Place, NE Washington, DC 20002 Ph. 907-580-5737 / email:

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