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The Lord Wants You. God is Sovereign God is not sustained by men, Acts 17:25God is not sustained by men, Acts 17:25 God wants men and women of faith:God.

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Presentation on theme: "The Lord Wants You. God is Sovereign God is not sustained by men, Acts 17:25God is not sustained by men, Acts 17:25 God wants men and women of faith:God."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Lord Wants You

2 God is Sovereign God is not sustained by men, Acts 17:25God is not sustained by men, Acts 17:25 God wants men and women of faith:God wants men and women of faith: –To bear good fruit, Jno 15:5 –To influence world, Phil 2:14-16 –To spread the gospel, Mark 16:15 Jesus wants and needs you! (cf. Matt 21:1-3)Jesus wants and needs you! (cf. Matt 21:1-3) 2


4 First Place in Your Heart Some have no room for Jesus, Luke 2:7Some have no room for Jesus, Luke 2:7 –No room for His word, Jno 8:37 –This is because their heart is filled with the lusts and works of Satan, Jno 8:38, 41-47 These are not God’s children; blinded by SatanThese are not God’s children; blinded by Satan 4

5 First Place in Your Heart Some have too little room for Jesus, Mark 4:18-19Some have too little room for Jesus, Mark 4:18-19 –Wandering mind not fixed on Christ is deterred by other things –Just enough interest in Christ to be hindered – and to be a hindrance to others –Must be constantly coaxed to obey the Lord (Heb 6:1) 5

6 First Place in Your Heart Some give Jesus all the room He wants and deservesSome give Jesus all the room He wants and deserves –Paul, Phil 3:5-11 –Cornelius, Acts 10:33, 2, 22; 11:14 How? By faith, Gal 2:20; Eph 3: 14-19How? By faith, Gal 2:20; Eph 3: 14-19 –Strengthened by God, 3:16 –Christ in heart by faith, 3:17 –Lay hold of His love, filled, 3:18- 19 6

7 FAITHFUL WORKERS Matt 9:37-38; 2 Cor 5:15 7

8 Faithful Workers Sacrificial workers, Jno 21:15- 19Sacrificial workers, Jno 21:15- 19 –Peter’s work would require supreme love for Christ, 21:15-17 –Loving sacrifice would be required in Peter’s death, 21:18-19 –Work faithfully regardless of someone else’s circumstance, 21:20-22 –Carry your cross without shame, Lk 9:23-26 8

9 Faithful Workers Diligent workers, Rom 12:11Diligent workers, Rom 12:11 –To obtain the promise, Heb 6:11-12 –To make your calling and election sure, 2 Pet 1:5, 10 –To be acceptable at His return, 2 Pet 3:14 –Do not be deterred from excellence for the Master 9

10 Faithful Workers Uncompromising workersUncompromising workers –Who will contend earnestly for the faith, not cower eagerly from the battle, Jude 3 –Who will hold up against the deceptions and devices of the devil, 2 Cor 11:3-4 (2:11) 10

11 DEVOUT CHRISTIANS Matthew 6:24, 33 11

12 Devout Christians “lit., taking hold well...primarily, cautious, signifies in the NT, careful as to the realization of the presence and claims of God, reverencing God, pious...reverence exhibited especially in actions” (Vine) Who will pray, 1 Ths 5:17Who will pray, 1 Ths 5:17 –Energetically for righteous purposes, Jas 5:16 –According to the Lord’s will, Jas 4:3; 1 Jno 5:14-15 12

13 Devout Christians Who will use God’s word properly, 2 Tim 2:15Who will use God’s word properly, 2 Tim 2:15 –As the sufficient and final guide for life and godliness, 2 Tim 3:16-17 –Without alteration, 2 Cor 2:17; 2 Tim 4:3-4 –Without ignoring it or trying to destroy it, Jer 36:23-25 13


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