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“When a verb is not a verb”  A form of a verb functioning as a noun, adjective or adverb.  Gerunds are verbals that end in “ing” and function as nouns.

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Presentation on theme: "“When a verb is not a verb”  A form of a verb functioning as a noun, adjective or adverb.  Gerunds are verbals that end in “ing” and function as nouns."— Presentation transcript:


2 “When a verb is not a verb”

3  A form of a verb functioning as a noun, adjective or adverb.  Gerunds are verbals that end in “ing” and function as nouns.

4  Seeing and believing (both verb forms) are functioning as nouns in this sentence.  Seeing is functioning as the subject.  Believing is functioning as the subject complement.

5 We like studying about gerunds.  Studying is the direct object of the verb like. The students were rewarded for learning about gerunds.  learning is the object of the preposition for.

6  A gerund is a verbal that functions as a noun.  A gerund always ends in “ing”.  Gerunds virtually never require punctuation.

7 Finding gerunds is really easy.  Finding is the subject. Fran’s favorite pastime is researching gerunds.  Researching is the subject complement.

8 We appreciate your teaching us this lesson about gerunds.  Teaching is the direct object of the verb appreciate. You might get a good grade in English class for locating gerunds in sentences.  Locating is the object of the preposition for.

9 THINK-PAIR-SHARE Share 2 things you learned about gerunds with a partner.

10 You can now recognize a gerund when you see one. Learning can be rewarding!

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