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Published byRudolph Ray Modified over 9 years ago
Christ – the foundation of our education St. Peter Worship at Key to Life Saturday, February 28
Welcome to St. Peter! We celebrate the gift of Christian education, the learning that God has granted for adults, teens, children, and pre-schoolers to know about Jesus as the Savior of the world. Our Lutheran Elementary School is based on that learning every day. We give thanks for those full-time and part- time Christian education programs for spiritual learning.
Welcome to St. Peter! There are friendship registers at the end of each row of chairs. Please take a moment to give us your information so that we have a record of your time with us today. Thank you!
For Our Guests If you have questions, let us try to help. Speak with an usher, greeter, or the person next to you. If you’d like to learn more about St. Peter and its ministry, please talk to a pastor or member after the service.
Need to Know what’s going on? Our church website has the info you need right at your fingertips Check the church calendar. Sign up for seminars or events. Get access to devotions, sermons, and more.
Prayer before Worship Lord, you have blessed us with Christian education in our midst. We humbly thank you for granting us these programs so souls may be led to Jesus. Help us worship you today with grateful hearts that we learn today may be for our faith’s benefit. In Jesus’ name. Amen
Please be courteous and silence all pagers and cell phones. Thank you
OUR COMMUNION PRACTICE In the Sacrament of Holy Communion, we express unity with our Savior and those who share our faith and stand on the teachings of God’s Word. Therefore, we invite to our altar those who are members of St. Peter or members of the WELS/ELS. Visitors who wish to commune are asked to speak to a pastor before the service begins.
Lent Services & Suppers The 3rd midweek Lenten service will be at 4:00 & 7:00 with church family suppers in between. The Men’s Club will host a BBQ & bun supper with the usual trimmings between services in the basement.
News at Northland “Together We Shine” Is scheduled for Sunday, March 1st, 12:30 pm. A catered meal will be served at 1:00pm. If you want to go you will need to RSVP. Forms are on the Scrip table.
MLC Choir @ Northland “For God So Loved the World.” March 6, at 1:30 p.m. Martin Lutheran College Choir presents about half of their choral concert
“Page Flippers” Monday, March 9 th 7:00pm Fireside room To discuss “Empty Mansions” by Bill Dedman and Paul Clark Newman.
Christ – the foundation of our education St. Peter Worship at Key to Life Saturday, February 28
God Himself Is Present CW #224 Verses 1-3 Text: Gerhard Tersteegen, 1697-1769 Setting: WUNDERBARER KÖNIG Tune: Joachim Neander, 1650-80, alt.
Verse 1: God himself is present-- Let us now adore him And with awe appear before him. God is in his temple-- All within keep silence, Humbly kneel in deepest rev'rence. He alone On his throne Is our God and Savior; Praise his name forever!
Verse 2: God himself is present-- Hear the harps resounding; See the hosts the throne surrounding. "Holy, holy, holy"-- Hear the hymn ascending, Songs of saints and angels blending. Bow your ear To us here; Hear, O Christ, the praises That your Church now raises.
Verse 3: Fount of ev'ry blessing, Purify my spirit, Trusting only in your merit. Like the holy angels, Worshiping before you, May I ceaselessly adore you. Let your will Ever still Rule your church terrestrial As the hosts celestial.
Pastor: The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you. All: And also with you. Opening Verses
Confession of Sin Pastor: We have come into the presence of God, who created us to love and to serve him as his dear children. But we have disobeyed him and deserve only his wrath and punishment. Therefore, let us confess our sins to him and plead for his mercy.
Confession of Sin All: Merciful Father in heaven, I am altogether sinful from birth. In countless ways I have sinned against you and do not deserve to be called your child. But trusting in Jesus, my Savior, I pray: Have mercy on me according to your unfailing love. Cleanse me from my sin, and take away my guilt.
(Pastor announces our forgiveness) All: Amen.
Pastor: In the peace of forgiveness, let us praise the Lord. Prayer and Praise
Shepherd of Tender Youth Verse 4: Oh, ever be our guide, Our shepherd and our pride, Our staff and song. Jesus, O Christ of God, By your enduring Word Lead us where you have trod; Make our faith strong.
Shepherd of Tender Youth Verse 5: So now and till we die Sound we your praises high And joyful sing; Infants and all the throng Who to your Church belong Unite to swell the song To Christ, our King.
Prayer of the Day Pastor: Let us pray. (The pastor says the Prayer of the Day.) All: Amen. (Please be seated)
God’s Word to His People Genesis 28:10-17 The Lord promises his presence as we follow him
Psalm #73 All Sing Refrain:
Pastor: I am always with you, O LORD; All:You hold me by my right hand. Pastor: You guide me with your counsel, All: And afterward you will take me into glory.
Pastor: Whom have I in heaven but you? All: And earth has nothing I desire besides you. Pastor: My flesh and my heart may fail, All: But God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.
Psalm #73 All Sing Refrain:
God’s Word to His People Romans 5:1-11 Through Christ’s sacrifice we have new status with God
God’s Word to His People Mark 8:31-38 Take up your cross and follow Christ
Children’s Message
Let Children Hear the Mighty Deeds CW #512 Verses 1-5 Text: Isaac Watts, 1674-1748 (st. 1-3, 5) Setting: NUN DANKET ALL Tune: Johann Crüger, 1598-1662
Verse 1: Let children hear the mighty deeds Which God performed of old, Which in our younger years we saw, And which our fathers told.
Verse 2: Make unto them his glories known, His works of pow’r and grace, And we’ll convey his wonders down Through ev’ry rising race.
Verse 3: Our lips shall tell them to our sons And they again to theirs That generations yet unborn May teach them to their heirs.
Verse 4: Oh, teach them with all diligence The truths of God’s own Word, To place in him their confidence, To fear and trust their Lord,
Verse 5 (Please Stand): To learn that in our God alone Their hope securely stands, That they may ne’er forget his works, But walk in his commands.
“Surely The Lord Is In This Place!” 1.With promises that bring life 2.With education that leads to heaven
Apostles’ Creed All: I believe in God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth.
Apostles’ Creed All: I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried.
Apostles’ Creed All: He descended into hell. The third day he rose again from the dead. He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of God the Father almighty. From there he will come to judge the living and the dead.
Apostles’ Creed All: I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy Christian Church. the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen.
In thankfulness for our salvation, we support God’s work with our offerings.
Prayer of the Church
Lord’s Prayer All: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as in heaven. Give us today our daily bread.
Lord’s Prayer All: Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
Lord’s Prayer All: For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours now and forever. Amen
God’s Blessing Pastor: Brothers and sisters, go in peace. Live in harmony with one another. Serve the Lord with gladness. The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you. The Lord look on you with favor and give you peace. All: Amen.
I Pray You, Dear Lord Jesus CW 510 Text: Thomas H. Kingo, 1634-1703; tr. Morman A. Madson, 1886-1962 Setting: JEG VIL MIG HERREN LOVE Tune: Koral-Melodier, 1801
Verse 1: I pray you, dear Lord Jesus, My heart to keep and train That I your holy temple From youth to age remain. Oh, turn my thoughts forever From worldly wisdom's lore; If I but learn to know you, I shall not want for more.
Silent Prayer
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