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16-20 november 2015 English Homework. Miss Silvia Chinolla Monday 16Tuesday 17Wednesday 18Thursday 19Friday 20 No homeworkVocabulary worksheet Vocabulary.

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Presentation on theme: "16-20 november 2015 English Homework. Miss Silvia Chinolla Monday 16Tuesday 17Wednesday 18Thursday 19Friday 20 No homeworkVocabulary worksheet Vocabulary."— Presentation transcript:

1 16-20 november 2015 English Homework

2 Miss Silvia Chinolla Monday 16Tuesday 17Wednesday 18Thursday 19Friday 20 No homeworkVocabulary worksheet Vocabulary Worksheet Phonics Worksheet Vocabulary worksheet Reading worksheet Vocabulary worksheet Grammar worksheet

3 Miss Silvia Chinolla Monday 16Tuesday 17Wednesday 18Thursday 19 Friday 20 No homeworkVocabulary worksheet Vocabulary Worksheet Phonics Worksheet Vocabulary worksheet Reading worksheet Vocabulary worksheet Grammar worksheet

4 Mr. Eulises Farfan Monday 16Tuesday 17Wednesday 18Thursday 19Friday 20 NO CLASSComplete the chart with things belong to inside, outside and things that belong inside and outside. Answer the following questions: Did you call a friend this week? Did a friend visit you at home? Did you help your family? Did you study every day? Did you try something new? Write a paragraph about a story using verbs in past tense make flashcards about the key words * On the front write the key word On the back draw a picture

5 Mr. Eulises Farfan Monday 16Tuesday 17Wednesday 18Thursday 19Friday 20 NO CLASSWrite a paragraph comparing how to protect yourself indoors and outdoors. Complete the Venn diagram about two people and compare the similarities and differences. Choose an activity from the list below and explain how to do Make a paper mask Wash your clothes Play an instrument Make a dessert Write a paragraph that explain how to do or make something. Use your sequence events chart.

6 Mr. Jesús Quiroga Monday 16Tuesday 17Wednesday 18Thursday 19Friday 20 Day-offWrite your own definition for the hero, List 5 people who would fit your definition. Answer the question. What is the most important quality a hero needs? Write examples to support your choice. Create a magazine cover that shows one of your heroes and words that describes him or her, give the magazine a special title. Rewrite each phrase using the proper possessive. The uncle of Robert_______ The shoe of Maria_______ The lights of the car_________ The school of the student______ The bowl of it___________

7 Mr. Jesús Quiroga Monday 16Tuesday 17Wednesday 18Thursday 19 Friday 20 Day-off Answer the questions according to Thirty Dollars reading. Is the narrator, Tony Lott, James Welder, or Alan Governar? How can you tell? Which words in the paragraph would be different if it were told From James Welders point of view? Complete the sentences with your own ideas. Use the Academic words. When I don’t complete my homework I can affect ____________ When people want to hear my perspective on something, I feel__________ One day I would like to document __________ Answer the questions. When Tony made the delivery in the big freeze, he worked hard to________ _______ Johnny Simpson thought that tony_______ ___ James Welder was_______ _____the workers. Answer the questions based on the article Adults animals and their egg. Lucinda said I am going to change my name. I will help you with your work Maria said. You are not doing enough work the teacher said. Billy said you didn’t tells us about the test tomorrow.

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