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Published byMartin Sutton Modified over 9 years ago
S.P.I.E.S.S.P.I.E.S. One purpose of this slideshow is to help students develop an understanding of the importance of fostering a positive, healthy self-esteem physically, intellectually, spiritually and socially. (we’ll explain this during the slideshow!)
Enduring Understanding for this Unit Enduring Understandings are the big ideas of the course that will hopefully stay with you (endure). The key enduring understanding for this unit is “loving yourself is loving Jesus”. To give details about this enduring understanding is to understand it. See the next slide for details that will help your understanding:
Details about Enduring Understanding If I love myself, then I choose what is good for myself. Jesus wants me to choose what is good for me, as he always chooses what is good for me (loves me). Jesus, through the Holy Spirit, lives WITHIN me as I invite him into my life through prayer. If Jesus is WITHIN me (in my “heart”), then as I choose what is good for myself, I choose what is good for Jesus. That is, “loving myself is loving Jesus”. Review these two quotes and discuss:
St. Paul writes to the Galatians, “I have been crucified with Christ; yet I live, no longer I, but Christ lives in me; insofar as I now live in the flesh, I live by faith in the Son of God who has loved me and given himself up for me.” Gal.2:19-20 TASK: With your Bibles, read all of Galatians 2, and decide why you think Paul writes the passage above. Perhaps do the same for the next passage:
St. Paul writes to the Romans, “ But you are not in the flesh; on the contrary, you are in the spirit, if only the Spirit of God dwells in you. Whoever does not have the Spirit of Christ does not belong to him. But if Christ is in you, although the body is dead because of sin, the spirit is alive because of righteousness. If the Spirit of the one who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, the one who raised Christ from the dead will give life to your mortal bodies also, through his Spirit that dwells in you.” Rom.8:9-11
Details about Enduring Understanding continued I have to love all aspects of myself to fully love Jesus who is WITHIN MY SOUL. Therefore, I need to know as many aspects of myself as I can, to fully love myself (I can’t love myself fully, if I don’t know myself fully). This is where S.P.I.E.S. comes in – it is a way to know myself better, so I can love myself better.
Now for S.P.I.E.S. in detail! Let’s begin by discussing what this description of YOU is about: S.P.I.E.S. refers to these dimensions of who you are: spiritual / physical / intellectual / emotional / social Each of these dimensions of YOU needs explanation, so we will unpack the dimensions in the following slides.
To learn about S.P.I.E.S. is to learn about personal development!
Let’s discuss the ‘S’ in S.P.I.E.S.! This is the spiritual dimension of you. It’s that part of you that you can’t point at, or touch, or even smell. It’s the part of you that you refer to as “me” or “I”. People are inclined to make a distinction between their bodies and their spiritual souls. They naturally say, “I have a body”, not “I am my body”. This points to the spiritual dimension of the human person.
What do you think about this image?
How can you be sure you’re spiritual? Think about these three points (we will go through more points in Grade 12): 1.Think about the faith, hope, and love we described previously. None of these can be “sensed” with our five senses. Each one of these actions is something we do freely … we can make free acts of the will to have faith, hope and love. We can choose not to hope or to hope. We can choose not to love or to love. We can receive faith or reject it – all spiritual acts.
2. Think about the human spiritual things we do. For example, we are the only creatures in the natural world that pray. We are aware of the Creator, if we choose to be. We can ignore the Creator, however, with our free will. Praying is a spiritual action, since we direct prayers to a spiritual person – God. 3. We have a language to describe our actions as good or evil. Good and evil are spiritual terms, since they themselves do not exist as material things. We know the meaning of these spiritual terms because of our spiritual souls.
Care for this dimension of you! This dimension of you needs to be nourished and cared for – similar in some ways to caring for a plant or pet, or even a baby. A plant or pet is an object, while a baby is a subject (person). Why do we have to carefully pay attention to the needs of the objects or subjects of our care? Let’s brainstorm! Through a thought web that you make with an elbow partner, come up with several ways you can care for this dimension of you! Be prepared to share your ideas in a class thought web!
Ways to care for the “spiritual” you The best way, hands down, of caring for the spiritual you is through prayer (the greatest expression of prayer being reception of the Eucharist which is Jesus, who is God). Here are some thoughts about prayer from the Catechism of the Catholic Church and from the Pope: _book_knowledge_to_grow_spiritually_pope_teaches/
Textbook Connections As you continue on your Journey with Jesus, you may review the following parts of the textbook regarding your SPIRITUAL journey: pp. 60-67 – What’s the point of prayer?
Let’s move to the ‘P’ in S.P.I.E.S.! This is the physical part of you. This is the part of you that you can point at, and touch, and even smell. (The physical part of you hardly needs proof, although there have been people in history who have denied that they have bodies. Some thinkers believe that the material world is only a world of appearances, and does not really exist. See the philosophy of George Berkeley)
Any guess about what these physical activities are? HOT YOGA HURLING SPEED GOLF
Some of the actions of the physical part of you may include: 1. Sensing (using your five senses) 2. Exercise and Sports 3. Playing Music 4. Driving 5. Eating Can you name five more physical actions you do?
Care for this dimension of you! This dimension of you needs to be nourished and cared for …let’s brainstorm! Through a thought web that you make with an elbow partner, come up with several ways you can care for this dimension of you! Be prepared to share your ideas in a class thought web!
Ways to care for the “physical” you Using our internet resources, let’s have a look at some potentially helpful sites: Yourself Yourself me/healthy/physical/basics/059.html me/healthy/physical/basics/059.html
Textbook Connections As you continue on your Journey with Jesus, you may review the following parts of the textbook regarding your PHYSICAL journey: pp. 18-28 – How do I look?
Let’s move to the ‘I’ in S.P.I.E.S.! This is the intellectual part of you. Intellect refers to your mind – your thinking. Now, you might ask the question right away, “Is the intellectual part of me physical or spiritual”? Let’s get at the answer to this right away.
Strictly speaking, you don’t need a physical brain to think. Why? Your spiritual soul thinks. This makes sense, when you consider that God (whose existence we can prove), is a pure spirit, who is thinking always. You are in God’s image, and so have some of God’s powers, including free will and rational/spiritual thinking. Why do you have a brain then? Your brain shows your spiritual thinking in the physical world. Also your brain shows your instinctual thinking – animal thinking, like discerning where to find food.
Some thoughts about thinking: What do you think about these thoughts? True or not true? Write at least one paragraph explaining your thoughts about one or more of these statements. “What you do comes from what you think, so be careful about what you think!” “When you think about what is good, you will more likely choose what is good.” “You should think before you act!” “If you’re sad too much, it’s because you’re thinking about the wrong things.”
Care for this dimension of you! This dimension of you needs to be nourished and cared for …let’s brainstorm! Through a thought web that you make with an elbow partner, come up with several ways you can care for this dimension of you! Be prepared to share your ideas in a class thought web!
Ways to care for the “intellectual” you Using our internet resources, let’s have a look at some potentially helpful sites: p/reading/ p/reading/
Textbook Connections As you continue on your Journey with Jesus, you may review the following parts of the textbook regarding your INTELLECTUAL journey: pp. 29-36 – How do I know what I know?
Let’s move to the ‘E’ in S.P.I.E.S.! This is the emotional dimension of you! Your emotions are your “feelings”! Emotions are generally associated with the physical part of you. We (and animals) have emotions of fear, excitement, and sadness. However, our emotions are more numerous than those of animals, since we can have such feelings as spiritual joy! Human emotions can be spiritual!
Emotions or Feelings that People experience! With your elbow partner, can you come up with a list of emotions that people experience? Try to at least name five to seven emotions that most people experience, and be prepared to share as we create a class list of human emotions.
What emotions do you see here?
Care for this dimension of you! This dimension of you needs to be nourished and cared for …let’s brainstorm! Through a thought web that you make with an elbow partner, come up with several ways you can care for this dimension of you! Be prepared to share your ideas in a class thought web!
Ways to care for the “emotional” you Using our internet resources, let’s have a look at some potentially helpful sites: me/healthy/mental/782.html me/healthy/mental/782.html me/articles/589.html me/articles/589.html 1aXo4&feature=fvw 1aXo4&feature=fvw
Textbook Connections As you continue on your Journey with Jesus, you may review the following parts of the textbook regarding your EMOTIONAL journey: pp. 37-42 – Is it OK to feel this way?
Let’s finally discuss the ‘S’ in S.P.I.E.S.! This is the social dimension of you! Have you ever thought of the idea that nobody comes into the world alone? We are all born into a community of persons; it took two people to make each one of us. Two parents and a child – a community! No surprise here, since God the Holy Trinity is a community of persons – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (3 persons in 1 God).
Social by Nature The Catholic Church believes that human beings are social by nature. Nobody is meant to be completely alone. Our happiness is greater when we are with a loving community. (Think: Is that your experience?) Since we are social by nature, it is good to make people feel welcome. When we are with others, we “look” more like God!
Consider this Catechism quote: 1905 In keeping with the social nature of man, the good of each individual is necessarily related to the common good, which in turn can be defined only in reference to the human person: –Do not live entirely isolated, having retreated into yourselves, as if you were already justified, but gather instead to seek the common good together.
Care for this dimension of you! This dimension of you needs to be nourished and cared for …let’s brainstorm! Through a thought web that you make with an elbow partner, come up with several ways you can care for this dimension of you! Be prepared to share your ideas in a class thought web!
Ways to care for the “social” you Using our internet resources, let’s have a look at some potentially helpful sites:,-Be- Funny-and-Make-Friends,-Be- Funny-and-Make-Friends dP_zM dP_zM
Textbook Connections As you continue on your Journey with Jesus, you may review the following parts of the textbook regarding your SOCIAL journey: pp.43-49 – How do I get along with others?
More to you! There is much more to say about YOU than what S.P.I.E.S. tells us. For example, try the following website to get to know your personality. The test is called the Myers-Briggs test, and it will give you 4 letters to describe your personality. When you get your 4 letters, enter them into Google to get a description of your personality and names of famous people who are like you. Be prepared to share your findings with the class!
Review Key knowledge points you should know: 1) What is the meaning of “loving yourself is loving Jesus”? 2) What is an enduring understanding? 3) What is the ‘S’ in S.P.I.E.S.? 4) What is the ‘P’ in S.P.I.E.S.? 5) What is the ‘I’ in S.P.I.E.S.?
6) What is the ‘E’ in S.P.I.E.S.? 7) What is the ‘S’ in S.P.I.E.S.? 8) Give three “proofs” that show we have a spiritual dimension. 9) If we don’t need brains to think, then why do we have brains? 10) What is the name of the test that gives you a 4 letter description of your personality?
Supportive words from the Pope! Let’s listen to a YouTube clip regarding being human. Be prepared to share what you think the Pope’s key message is regarding “being human”! bn9OPHjUQ
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