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History of the World (the short version) Chap 7 Intro.

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1 History of the World (the short version) Chap 7 Intro

2 Age of Earth 4.54 billion years (+/- 1%)

3 Continental Drift Proposed by Alfred Wegener 1915 Continents formed one landmass in the past—Pangea Began breaking apart 200 mill years ago Have been moving slowly ever since, now in present position




7 What evidence did Wegener have? Rock Formations –Similar rock types in areas that had been close together Fossils –Similar animal & plant fossils where plates had been together Climate Evidence –Coal deposits in Antarctica –Glacial deposits in Africa, India, Australia & So. America


9 Continental Drift


11 or Pangea Ultimata (250 Ma)


13 Volcano Animation

14 When Plates Meet Divergent Boundary: plates move apart; cause sea floor spreading at rift valleys. Mid-Atlantic Ridge Convergent Boundary (Subduction): one plate slides beneath another; forms small mountains, volcanoes. Mt. St. Helens, Andes Collision Boundary: Plates slide together, forced upward. Forms large mountain chains. Alps, Himalayans, Appalachia Transform Boundary: faults slide along side one another. San Andreas Fault

15 You Try It Plate Tectonics Plate Boundary Animation


17 The untold tragedies of Continental Drift

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