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Adolf Eichmann: Villain of the holocaust.

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Presentation on theme: "Adolf Eichmann: Villain of the holocaust."— Presentation transcript:

1 Adolf Eichmann: Villain of the holocaust.
Kaitlyn Carter Hour 1 English 9

2 His life as a child: Born in Solingen, into a middle class protestant family. When his mother died, he and his father and 4 other siblings moved to Linz, Austria. Eichmann was 8. Was ridiculed as a child for his dark complexion, other classmates has nicknamed him, “little Jewish boy”.

3 1925-1932: he works as a traveling salesman for an electric company, and then a vacuum oil company.
His early work:

4 He joins the Nazi party Moves to Germany
Joins the security service main office, with role of sergeant Opens the central office for Jewish emigration

5 His first position: IV D4 “ emigration and evacuation”
He first organized the deportation of nearly 7,000 Jews to areas of unoccupied France.

6 Percentages of victims he had deported.

7 Second position: IV B4 “Jewish affairs”.
From here, he plays a central role in the deportation of over 1.5 million Jews all over Europe to killing centers/sites.

8 His mission: He was the main person for keeping the trains moving to the concentration camps.

9 Hitler commits suicide:
Nazi Germany signs surrender document. Eichmann is captured by U.S. Escapes U.S. custody and flees to Argentina. In 1960 the Israeli security service finds him and brings him to trial.

10 December 15, 1961 – found guilty.
May 31/june1, 1962 – 12:00a.m. Adolf Eichmann was hanged.

11 THANK YOU! Thank you for listening to my presentation!

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