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Napoleon Defeat and Legacy After the disaster in Russia, (500,000 dead) Napoleon is forced to give up power to Louis XVIII (brother of VI) He is exiled.

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2 Napoleon Defeat and Legacy

3 After the disaster in Russia, (500,000 dead) Napoleon is forced to give up power to Louis XVIII (brother of VI) He is exiled to the island of Elba in 1814

4 “100 Days” (March-June, 1815) Napoleon escapes from Elba and returns to France Gathers the military Soldiers are still loyal to Napoleon King Louis XVIII flees and Napoleon regains power

5 100 Days - Battle of Waterloo - June 18, 1815  When Napoleon regained power, many of the countries who had opposed him got back together to form ANOTHER coalition (7 th ) to try and stop him.  “Best defense is a good offense” He attacked the British General Wellington at Waterloo (Belgium)

6  Napoleon was defeated for the final time by the combined forces of Britain and Prussia This time he’s sent to St. Helena, between Africa and South America…permanently. He died in 1821 of cancer

7 Actions of Napoleon which upheld the Ideals of the Revolution Economic Reform Equality under the law No legal distinctions between social classes Merit based government positions (meritocracy) Napoleonic (Civil) Code – Unified legal system – Freedom of religion and occupation All citizens taxed equally Lyceés (government-run schools)

8 Napoleon Wrote About the Civil Code “My glory consists not of having won forty battles; that which nothing will erase, that which will live eternally, is my Civil Code

9 Results of Napoleon and the French Revolution In France, it ended the Old Regime permanently – Ended feudalism (can own property) – established a written constitution Changed the political boundaries Sparked nationalism (love, and a will to fight for your nation) in countries throughout Europe Ideas of the revolution and spread to every place Napoleon touched (or conquered)

10 International Legacy of Napoleon and Napoleonic Code Influenced other countries to demand: – Constitution – Individual Rights – Liberty and Equality – Strong beliefs in Nationalism – Desire to break away from foreign rule Still the foundation of many country’s codes of law TODAY

11 Think About This Quote---Do You Agree---Why or Why Not? "I closed the gulf of anarchy and brought order out of chaos. I rewarded merit regardless of birth or wealth, wherever I found it. I abolished feudalism and restored equality to all regardless of religion and before the law. I fought the decrepit monarchies of the Old Regime because the alternative was the destruction of all this. I purified the Revolution.“ – Napoleon Bonaparte

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