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Important Empires II Global AIS. Map and Timeline For your reference.

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1 Important Empires II Global AIS

2 Map and Timeline For your reference

3 Tokugawa Shogunate Japan

4 Effects of Geography Island Location o Japan: 4 big islands and 1000s of little islands o Difficult to unite Remember: what classical civilization couldn’t unite because of geography? o Ancient Greece o Isolated from other cultures o Homogeneous: everyone in the culture is similar to each other Homo: same Japan’s culture developed independently from other cultures Mountains o Almost no land available for farming o Made Japan dependent on the sea for transportation and food

5 Effects of Geography Cont’d Earthquakes and Volcanoes o Could easily destroy the islands o The unstable environment taught the people to respect nature Often used in their art Shintoism: developed in Japan and taught a great respect for nature

6 Japanese Feudalism VERY similar to European feudalism o Remember: What is feudalism? Feudalism was a European economic model based on self-sufficient manors run by lords. Shogun o Military commander with the real power in the country Emperor was only the symbolic leader Samurai o Warriors o Means “those who serve” o Given land in exchange for protecting others o Look at how the crowd reacts when the Samurai enter the city. Look at how the crowd reacts when the Samurai enter the city.

7 Feudalism Cont’d Bushido o Code of conduct for samurai Remember: What is the definition of chivalry? o A knight’s code of honor that dictates their behavior and values. o Means “way of the warrior” o Focused on loyalty, bravery, honor o Bushido (The Last Samurai) Bushido (The Last Samurai)

8 Japanese vs. European Feudalism SimilaritiesDifferences Over-allegiance to people above you in the social hierarchy Status of women -Japan: women could be mothers, entertainers and warriors; freedom depended on social class -Europe: women often restricted to the home or labor, depending on social class Warriors with an honor codeThe government’s power -Japan: Shogun not Emperor -Europe: King Strict social classesPosition of merchants -Japan: merchants looked down on -Europe: merchants respected, gained more power after feudalism stopped Land-based system

9 Tokugawa Shogunate A strong family that ruled Japan for almost 300 years o Remember: What is the definition of a monarchy? A single ruler, like a king or emperor, who is not elected. Brought stability and unity to Japan under the Tokugawa family of Shoguns Culture bloomed during their reign

10 Policy of Isolationism Remaining apart from the affairs of other countries The Tokugawa isolated Japan by CHOICE They deliberately didn’t interact with other cultures o No foreigners into Japan o No Japanese out of Japan

11 Mongol Empire China

12 Origins Nomadic people from the grasslands of Central Asia o Remember: What is the definition of nomadic? Nomadic: moving from place to place Built the largest unified empire in the world Took over China first then moved westward o Look back at your map to see the whole empire

13 Important People “Khan” means world emperor Genghis Khan o Known for spreading terror and destruction o 1200AD: unified all Mongols under his rule Kublai Khan o Grandson of Genghis Khan o Centered in China but spread the empire to the Middle East o Kept the empire stable and peaceful o When he died, the empire fell apart

14 Russia Ruled by the Mongols for 250 years Long term impact o The Mongols showed Russia how to have an absolute government Absolute monarchy: a strong single leader that makes all decisions and rules because of divine right o Isolated Russia from Western Europe No Renaissance ideas Stuck in more of a Dark Age culture

15 Marco Polo and Ibn Battuta Marco Polo o European traveler to China o His writings sparked interest back in Europe for Chinese things Remember: What holy wars resulted in Europe wanting products from Asia? o Crusades Ibn Battuta o An African Muslim o Traveled extensively through the Middle East and China o His writings are used today as a historical resource Remember: Are his writings a primary or secondary source? o Primary

16 Ming Dynasty

17 Origins Took over China AFTER the Mongols Re-established the Chinese dynasty system Brought back the belief that China was the Middle Kingdom o Remember: What did it mean to be the Middle Kingdom? Be the center of the world Ethnocentrism: belief that your culture is better than other cultures o Chinese believed their culture, their people, and their products were superior to everyone and everything else

18 West African Empires Africa (obviously)

19 Trade Sahara Trade Routes o Beginning in 800-1000 AD, Muslim traders in caravans created trade routes across the Sahara Desert Arab Traders o Arabia was a great location for trade o Main trade routes Silk road to China Mediterranean Sea to Europe o Remember: What European country got a lot of trade via the Mediterranean Sea? Italy Across the Sahara Desert

20 Trade Cont’d Products Traded (In Africa) o Muslims brought salt to Africans in exchange for gold o Other products: ivory, lumber, tin, and other resources, slaves Arab Cultural Contributions o Ideas spread through trade Islam Technology (math, science, medicine)

21 Traditional African Social Identities Extended Family o More than mom, dad, kids (nuclear family) o Grandparents and/or other relatives lived in the home Clan o Group of related, extended families who descended from a common ancestor Tribe o A group of related clans

22 Other Things Mansa Musa o Powerful king of the Empire of Mali Check your map to see where it is o Converted to Islam, which facilitated cultural diffusion Remember: What is cultural diffusion? o Fusing of different cultures to create a new culture Remember: What is animism? o A religion based on great respect for animals, nature, and ancestors Oral Tradition o Passing down customs, traditions, and cultures through story-telling for education and entertainment o How the history of African culture is passed to future generations (many Africans were not literate) o Remember: what does literate mean? Can read and write

23 Empires of Meso-America Central and South America

24 Key Civilizations Maya o Location: Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico o Peaceful farmers Aztec o Location: Central Mexico o Fierce warriors Inca o Location: Mountains of Peru o Highly-organized government

25 Significance More advanced than other “American” cultures of their time Advanced developments o Architecture: huge temples and cities o Agriculture: able to support large city populations o Science Math: used zero o Remember: What empire invented zero? Gupta Medicine: performed surgery Astronomy: 365 ¼ calendar Engineering: over 12,000 miles of roads o Remember: What classical civilization is famous for its roads? Rome

26 Ottoman Empire Western Asia (Turkey)

27 Important Points Origin o Out of central Turkey o Turkish Muslims (not Arab Muslims) Fall of Constantinople (a city) o Changed Turkey’s name to Istanbul o Became a Muslim capital of the Ottoman Empire

28 Important Points Cont’d Suleiman I (Suleiman the Magnificent) o Ruled during the golden age of the empire (1530-1566) Remember: What is a golden age? o A time of great contributions o Added a lot of territory to the empire Remember: What problems arise when an empire becomes too large? o Hard to protect and govern outer areas Impact on European Trade o Ottomans dominated trade around the Mediterranean Sea o Result: Europeans had to find other routes to Asia

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