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National Environmental Education ESPM 4242 Brandon Berger.

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Presentation on theme: "National Environmental Education ESPM 4242 Brandon Berger."— Presentation transcript:

1 National Environmental Education ESPM 4242 Brandon Berger

2 Overview Problem Background –Policy –Stakeholders Evaluation Criteria Data Collected Policy Alternatives

3 Problem A large number of Americans are completing school with a low level of environmental literacy and without a sense of responsibility for care of the environment, and this is a major barrier to improving the quality of the environment.

4 Background: Policy The National Environmental Education Act of 1970 (NEEA) –Established the Office of Environmental Education (OEE) under Dept. Health, Education & Welfare –Repealed in 1981 NEEA 1990 Re-established the OEE –Under the EPA

5 Background: Policy The Act charged the EPA with expanding the amount of environmental education opportunities to K-12 and college students in the U.S. OEE works to achieve this through many programs and grants

6 Background: Signals Professionals concerned about lack of Environmental Education Wide public support for legislation on the topic Earth Day –1970 –20th Anniversary, 1990

7 Background: Stakeholders Large National Scale School districts Schools, Colleges & Universities Communities Students Teachers

8 Evaluation Criteria Equity –Where, How & to Whom EE programs/courses are being offered? Effectiveness –Are increases in sustainable behavior a direct result of EE? Administrative Operability –Do State/Local offices or school districts have the authority and ability to implement programs developed by the OEE?

9 Policy Alternatives No Change –Affordable Update EE to focus on current problems –Communicability –Simplicity & Compatibility Local OEE –Cost –Flexibility New Office to Measure Effectiveness –Costly, but could result in money saved –Complexity

10 Secondary Data Collected: Case Study Impact of sustainability education on behavior Comparison of two graduate-level courses at Texas A&M University –Treatment: 22 students in a sustainable development course –Control: 28 students in a general graduate-level market analysis for development course (with no emphasis on sustainability) –Wide variety of backgrounds

11 Secondary Data Collected: Case Study Ecological Footprint Survey –16 Questions –Given before & after the semester Data from the surveys Provide a quantitative measure of sustainability that can be used for comparison –Food, Mobility, Shelter, Goods/Services

12 National Average EF: 23.5

13 Recommendations Focus National Environmental Education on important issues of today. –Sustainable Behavior –Familiar Topics Local –Goal Orientated

14 Questions?

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