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Some Like it Hot: Evidence for the Shrinking Orbit of the 2.2-d Transiting Hot Jupiter Exoplanet HD 189733b Tom Santapaga, Edw Guinan, R-L. Ballouz, S.G.

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Presentation on theme: "Some Like it Hot: Evidence for the Shrinking Orbit of the 2.2-d Transiting Hot Jupiter Exoplanet HD 189733b Tom Santapaga, Edw Guinan, R-L. Ballouz, S.G."— Presentation transcript:

1 Some Like it Hot: Evidence for the Shrinking Orbit of the 2.2-d Transiting Hot Jupiter Exoplanet HD 189733b Tom Santapaga, Edw Guinan, R-L. Ballouz, S.G. Engle, L.E. DeWarf (Villanova Univ.) Stella Kafka (Carnegie Inst, Washington, D.C)

2 Scale Model for the HD189733 Star- Planet System Showing the interaction of the planet and star’s Magnetic fields. As shown the planet’s orbital motion (~152 km/s) pushes against the magnetic field lines of the star causing the star to spin-up. Art credit Nick Tripicino

3 The 8 th mag K1.5 V star, HD 189733A shown in the field of the nearby Dumbbell Nebula

4 A b B a = 0.031 AU (8.75 R K ) [3% Distance Earth to Sun] ~220AU (12.2 arcsec)

5 HD 189733 A K1.5V Star M ~ 0.81 M ʘ R ~ 0.76 R ʘ P rot ~ 11.95 d L ~ 0.26 L ʘ A b HD 189733 b M = 1.13 M J ; R = 1.14 R J P orb = 2.22 d; a = 0.031 AU T = 844°C+; (~1550°F) Atm.: H 2 O, CH 4, (H 2 O vapor), methane, CO 2, sodium HD 18733 B (12” away from A: 220 AU; P ~3200 yr) M 5V Star/ age ~5-7 Billion yrs R ~ 0.2 R ʘ ; L ~ 10 -4 L ʘ (Bakos et al. 2006) Same V r μα μδ as star A B Model of the HD 189733 Star/ Planet System

6 HD 189733 – Selected Properties HD 189733A (K star) HD 189733b (Planet) HD 189733B (M star) Mass0.81 M  ~1.15 M J ~0.2 M  Radius0.76 R  ~1.26 R J ~0.2 Ro Rotational Period ~11.95 d (tidally locked 2.219 d) Est: >80 d Orbital Period -2.219 d~3200 yr Orbital Radius -0.031 AU~220 AU

7 Age Determinations for the HD 189733 System METHODValueAGEREFERENCE Rotation (dK star )~11.95 d~0.6 Gyr Henry et al. (2007); This study Ca II HK Emission (dK star) S(HK) = 0.52 <0.8 Gyr Ca II HK Emiss. (Moutou et al. 2007 AA, 473. X-ray Activity (dK star ) ~10 Lx x  ~0.7 Gyr XMM/ Pilletteri et al. (2010); Age from this study Lithium Abundance ( dK star ) A (Li) < 0.01 >4 Gyr: Melo, C., (2006), A&A, 460, Age from Li-depletion X-ray Activity ( M star ) Log L x < 26.9 >4.5 Gyr XMM-Newton from Pillitteri I.,( 2010); Age – this study H-alpha emission ( M star ) EW ~0.0> 5-6 Gyr Spectra from S. Kafka (Carnegie Cray Telescope)

8 HD 189733 A K1.5V Star M ~ 0.81 M ʘ R ~ 0.76 R ʘ P rot ~ 11.95 d L ~ 0.26 L ʘ A b HD 189733 b M = 1.13 M J ; R = 1.14 R J P orb = 2.22 d; a = 0.031 AU T = 844°C+; (~1550°F) Atm.: H 2 O, CH 4, (H 2 O vapor), methane, CO 2, sodium HD 18733 B M 5V Star R ~ 0.2 R ʘ ; L ~ 10 -4 L ʘ (Bakos et al. 2006) Same V r μα μδ as star A B

9 A b B a = 0.031 AU (8.75 R K ) [3% Distance Earth to Sun] ~220AU

10 Io – Jupiter - A possible Analog for understanding the HD 189733Ab magnetically Interacting Planet-Star System

11 HD189733 A & Ab HD 189733 A has signifcant chromospheric & coronal X-ray emissions. Also the star has starspots covering ~3% of star’s surface that produce brightness variations of up to 2%. The star’s rotation period (11.95 days) and its resulting magnetic dynamo-generated emissions are similar to dK0-5 stars in the Hyades cluster (age ~ 650 Myr). But the age indicators of the dM5 companion indicate a much older age (>5-6 Gyr). Artwork from Tinetti: ESA/NASA

12 The final fate of HD189733b as it reaches its Roche critical surface. This occurs at an orbital period of ~ 6 hr and at an orbital distance of ~2 stellar radii (i.e. at a = 0.007 AU).

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