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HOY… Calentamiento: Flip through ch 13 & write at least 3 things you learned well and at least 3 you think you kinda know and at least 2 you don't get.

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Presentation on theme: "HOY… Calentamiento: Flip through ch 13 & write at least 3 things you learned well and at least 3 you think you kinda know and at least 2 you don't get."— Presentation transcript:


2 HOY… Calentamiento: Flip through ch 13 & write at least 3 things you learned well and at least 3 you think you kinda know and at least 2 you don't get at all (if necessary) HOY: read page 478 – Make a list of new words in two columns 1. words from the new vocabulary (479) 2. words that are new or unfamiliar to you, but not in the vocab. Copy page 479 into your binder

3 Theme: The opera and classical music (vocabulary & culture) Objective & Big Picture: Knowing the vocabulary for instruments, classical music & concerts will allow the student to participate and understand events related to the musical arts. TSWBAT: associate the vocabulary verbs with the noun that performs the action (la sinfonía ensaya) Language Objective: I can create a graphical organizer through Spanish words and drawings to learn the vocabulary

4 Semana 1ro nov al 5 de nov LUNES: EXAMEN – Pre-write 479 MARTES – MSL – Pre-write 481-482 – Graphical organizer of new vocabulary (due FRI) MIERCOLES – 14-7 & 14-10 JUEVES: – MSL – pre-write 484, 485 VIERNES: – 14-14 – MSL – PRE-WRITE 489 – Graphic organizer due






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