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RICHMOND WEB Kristin Clausing EKU, Dept. of Technology, CEN.

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Presentation on theme: "RICHMOND WEB Kristin Clausing EKU, Dept. of Technology, CEN."— Presentation transcript:

1 RICHMOND WEB Kristin Clausing EKU, Dept. of Technology, CEN

2 2 OUTLINE The inner workings of a City and the information it makes accessible to the public.

3 3 MOTIVATION This project started out as a project for my Co-op job, but I decided to take it farther and go more in depth.

4 4 INTRODUCTION The City’s website was not functioning on an efficient level for the public or the employees. I researched other City’s websites to find out what information they made available for the public and even their employees.

5 5 PROBLEM The City’s website was not functioning well for the city nor was it helping the employees in any way. More information needs to be available for the public and a more user friendly site needs to be created.

6 6 STEPS TOWARDS SOLUTION Steps taken to resolve the problem: Decide what main functions the website needs to have and what else would be a great functionality to add. Decide if the website should be made from scratch or by using a CMS. Went with Joomla to create the site. It is a tool that has several different options that can be added to it in an organized fashion. Advanced technology.

7 STEPS TOWARDS SOLUTION Forms were added to the site for the public and the employees that can be submitted online allowing more efficient responses. The City purchased any materials/software needed for the project 7

8 STEPS TOWARDS SOLUTION MySQL database was created for the website. Joomla was then installed. Learned how to use Joomla and installing/implementing different add-ons was key. Creating the paper forms on the computer and moving the code to Joomla for implementation. 8

9 STEPS TOWARDS SOLUTION LDAP extension added to Joomla so employee login can properly authenticate against AD on website. Testing of employee login by department. Forms created and added to site. After the forms were created, testing of the forms was performed. 9

10 STEPS TOWARDS SOLUTION Everything was verified by logging in to the website, locating the staff menu and forms and filling one out to submit. 10

11 11 RESULTS Website is complete and acquiring lots of positive feedback from the public and employees.

12 12 CONCLUSIONS The project as a whole has been a success. The public has given positive feedback on the ease of the site as well as the information that has been added. Many forms have been submitted online rather than in person causing less traffic in the office and allowing others to get information without getting out.

13 CONCLUSIONS I learned about Joomla and the many features it offers. I also learned more about web servers and MySQL database setups. Manipulating code was another major part of this project for me. 13

14 14 FUTURE WORK More in depth forms could be added for each department. If more code is added forms could be sent to multiple people for approval at different times. Permanent email address:

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