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TIMELINE OF CAPTIVITY Persian Rule 539-331
CREATION AND BIRTH OF ADAM TO BIRTH OF NOAH 4000 – 2894 BC = 1056 YEARS Adam was in the Garden 1-3 yrs before yielding to sin Adam lived 930 years 10 Generations Adam to Noah = 1056 years Enoch was born when Adam was approx. 625 yrs (overlap of 300 yrs) Enoch was Noah’s Great Grandfather Noah was approx. 525 yrs old when God called him to build the Ark Noah was 600 yrs old when the flood came (2313 BC)
SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STORY OF NOAH BIBLICAL PASSAGES: GEN. 6-8; MATT. 24:37,38; LK. 17:26,27; I PET. 3:20;II PET. 2:5. The story of Noah and his family being spared from a world- wide deluge (a judgment by God) is one of the most important in the Old Testament. Much is learned about the nature of God from this story. For example: (1) It shows He is a holy God and cannot tolerate sin. (2) It shows He is a just God and that sin will not go unpunished. (3) It shows He is a God of mercy in that He spares some. (4) It shows God's power in that the Flood unleashed great power.
THE TYPE OR SPIRITUAL MEANING OF THE ARK A. The Ark of Noah is a rich picture of the salvation provided by Christ who today is our Ark of safety. Points of comparison are: God took the initiative in sparing Noah and his family. "But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners Christ died for us." Rom. 5:8. There was a divine and human side to the Ark as Christ is both human and divine. There was only one door to enter into the Ark as there is only one way to God and that is through Christ Jesus. "I am the gate for the sheep..." Jn. 10:7. See also Acts 4:12. There was great security for the passengers of the Ark. Likewise, if we are in Christ we are secure. See Rom.8:31ff.
NOAH TO ABRAHAM 2894 BIRTH OF NOAH / THE BIRTH OF ABRAHAM 2001 Noah lived 950 years Noah called to build the ark at 525 years Flood came when Noah was 600 yrs old Noah lived 350 years after the flood Abraham born 2001 Abraham was approx. 55 when Noah died
ABRAHAM TO BIRTH OF MOSES BIRTH OF ABRAHAM 2001 BC / BIRTH OF MOSES 1576 BC Abraham called and leaves Haran 1926 BC (75 yo) God makes covenant with Abraham 1916 (85 yo) Birth of Ishmael 1916 BC (Abraham 85 yo) Birth of Isaac 1901 BC (Abraham 100 yo) Isaac’s son Jacob is born 1841 BC (Isaac is 60 yo) Jacob into Egypt 1711 (52 yo) Moses birth 1576
MOSES BIRTH TO PROMISED LAND 1576 TO 1456 BC Egypt ruled by Semitic group 1675-1570 BC Moses birth 1576 BC (Exodus 7) Moses grows up and leaves Egypt 1536 (Deut 34:7) Exodus from Egypt 1495 BC (Exodus 16:35) Children of Israel in desert 1495-1455 ( Joshua takes leadership – cross the Jordan 1455 (Joshua 14:7, 24:29)
MOSES Moses, whose name means 'taken out' or 'drawn forth,' is born into an Israelite family from the tribe of Levi. The family consists of sister Miriam (roughly twelve years old) and brother Aaron (three years old). Shortly before his birth, Pharaoh decreed the death of all Hebrew male children. Unable to conceal her baby for very long, his mother Jochebed carried out a plan to save her child. She put him in a small ark and placed it in the reeds along the river hoping would find and let him live. Pharaoh's daughter finds the baby and immediately adopts him. Miriam, who serves the princess, suggests and arranges for her mother to nurse the child.
PROMISED LAND TO JUDGES TO KINGS 1456 BC TO 1100 BC Joshua led the people in to the promised land, Joshua 14:7 Dividing of the land – 1451 Judges begin leading Israel 1426 BC The Book of Judges mentions twelve judges: Othniel, Ehud, Shamgar, Deborah, Gideon, Tola, Jair, Jephthah, Ibzan, Elon, Abdon, and Samson. The First Book of Samuel mentions Eli and Samuel, as well as Joel and Abiah (two sons of Samuel). 1 Chronicles mentions Kenaniah and his sons. 2 Chronicles mentions Amariah and Zebadiah (son of Ishmael). In the Book of Judges, a cyclical pattern is given to show the need for the various judges: apostasy of the Israelite people, hardship because of their disobedience, crying out to the Lord for rescue. The judges were the successive individuals, each from a different tribe of Israel, chosen by God to rescue the people from their enemies and establish justice and the practice of the Torah amongst the Hebrews. Kings begin leading 1100 BC (Saul, David and Solomon)
KINGDOM DIVIDED Israel – ten tribes led by Jeroboam Judah – 2 tribes led by Rehoboam
KINGS OF ISRAEL Jeroboam I, bad, 930—909 BC Nadab, bad, 909—908 BC Baasha, bad, 908—886 BC Elah, bad, 886—885 BC Zimri, bad, 885 BC Tibni, bad, 885—880 BC Omri (overlap), extra bad, 885—874 BC Ahab, the worst, 874—853 BC Ahaziah, bad, 853—852 BC Joram/Jehoram, bad mostly, 852—841 BC Jehu, not good but better than the rest, 841—814 BC Jehoahaz, bad, 814—798 BC Joash, bad, 798—782 BC Jeroboam II (overlap), bad, 793—753 BC Zechariah, bad, 753 BC Shallum, bad, 752 BC Menahem, bad, 752—742 BC Pekahiah, bad, 742—740 BC Pekah (overlap), bad, 752—732 BC Hoshea, bad, 732—722 BC
KINGS OF JUDAH Rehoboam, bad mostly, 933—916 BC Abijah, bad mostly, 915—913 BC Asa, GOOD, 912—872 BC Jehoshaphat (overlap), GOOD, 874—850 BC Jehoram/Joram, bad, 850—843 BC Ahaziah, bad, 843 BC Athaliah (queen), devilish, 843—837 BC Joash/Jehoash, good mostly, 843—803 BC Amaziah, good mostly, 803—775 BC Uzziah/Azariah (overlap), GOOD mostly, 787—735 BC Jotham (overlap), GOOD, 749—734 BC Ahaz, wicked, 741—726 BC Hezekiah, THE BEST, 726—697 BC Manasseh, the worst, 697—642 BC Amon, the worst, 641—640 BC Josiah, THE BEST, 639—608 BC Jehoahaz, bad, 608 BC Jehoiakim, wicked, 608—597 BC Jehoiachin, bad, 597 BC Zedekiah, bad, 597—586 BC
ISRAEL CAPTIVITY - 734-722 BC Ten Tribes (Asher, Dan, Gad, Issachar, Joseph [2 tribes: Ephraim and Manasseh], Naphtali, Reuben, Simeon, Zebulun) and Levites Referred to as the 10 Lost Tribes (see 2 Chronicles 15:9) – never returned to their own land Conquered by Assyria (1 Chron 5:26, 2 Kings 17 and 18) Some went to Judah (2 Chron 30:25-26)
JUDAH’S CAPTIVITY - 605-581 BC Judah, Benjamin and Levites Conquered by Babylon in 3 attacks from 605 to 581 BC – returned to homeland 70 years later in 538 BC (Ezra 1-6) – Cyrus, Persian King conquered Babylon King Nebuchednezzar took over 10,000 select people captive in first wave - Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego among the first to go to Babylon. Over 100,000 total captives Return to Jerusalem occurred from 538 to 444 BC – only 50,000 returned to Jerusalem (Ezra 1-10, Nehemiah 1- 2) Greece takes over in 334 BC
AFTER BABYLONIAN CAPTIVITY (SEE WORD DOCUMENT) Babylon 609-539 BC Persia 539-331 BC Greece 334-63 BC Egypt –Ptolemy 1 323-285 BC Syria Seleucus 1 281 - 167 BC Jewish 166-63 BC (Maccabean Revolt) Rome 63 BC
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