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Assessment and Evaluation Assessment is the process of observing, recording, and documenting children’s growth and behaviors. Evaluation is the process.

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Presentation on theme: "Assessment and Evaluation Assessment is the process of observing, recording, and documenting children’s growth and behaviors. Evaluation is the process."— Presentation transcript:


2 Assessment and Evaluation Assessment is the process of observing, recording, and documenting children’s growth and behaviors. Evaluation is the process of reviewing the information gained through assessment and finding meaning in that information. Why do we asses children?

3 Formal vs. Informal Assessment Formal assessments: conducted by trained professionals. Standardized tests PSSA, Keystone or SAT testing Clinical testing We are not trained to perform any formal testing. Informal assessments: conducted by teachers. Examples to follow in the PowerPoint

4 Authentic Assessments Authentic assessments are done in the child’s natural setting as they are playing or working. Authentic assessments are informal, but not all informal assessments are authentic. Observation form you complete is an example of an authentic assessment. Why do you think authentic assessments are better?

5 Anecdotal Record Simplest form of direct observation. Brief narrative of a specific incident. Must be descriptive and full of details. Unbiased written account of an observed behavior, activity, or event. They must be objective, telling what was observed without any opinion or judgment. Our Observation Form is an anecdotal record. Authentic assessment.

6 Checklist Charts designed to record the presence or absence of a specific trait. Can be used to observe any developmental area (PIES) May be used for one child or a group of children. Highly structured. Very specific skills are identified. Simple to use. May or may not be an authentic assessment.

7 Skills Checklist Ask the child to complete each task below. Check Yes if they can complete the task without help. Check No if they cannot complete the task or need some help. Child Name _______________ Date ____________ TaskYesNo

8 Small Motor Skills Checklist Ask the child to complete each task below. Check Yes if they can complete the task without help. Check No if they cannot complete the task or need some help. Child Name _______________ Date ____________ TaskYesNo Cut a straight line 5 inches Trace their name Write their name legibly without help String ¼” beads on a string Use water color paints and brush

9 Rating Scale Used to record specific information. Shows degree to which a quality or trait is present. Observers must make a judgment about the quality of what is being observed. Can record a variety of developmental skills (PIES). Usually not considered an authentic assessment.

10 Rating Scale Rate the child’s ability to perform each task. BehaviorNeverSometimesUsuallyAlways

11 Rating Scale Rate the child’s ability to perform each task. BehaviorNeverSometimesUsuallyAlways Child can tie her shoe Child can count to 20 Child says please and thank you Child helps other children Child can write her name Child listens attentively to story

12 Participation Chart Used to gain information on specific aspect of child’s behavior. Can help teachers identify children's preferences. Information can help teachers restructure class. Can be used to encourage children to try different types of play. Usually an authentic assessment.

13 Participation Chart Identify with a check which activity each child participated in during the preschool day Activity DanSueBethAnnGregKateErinGlen

14 Participation Chart Identify with a check which activity each child participated in during circletime Activity DanSueBethAnnGregKateErinGlen Pledge of Allegiance Saying date Counting days of the month Songs Show and Tell

15 Participation Chart Identify with an abbreviation what each child was playing with during each 10 minute period. Period of Time DanSueBethAnnGregKateErinGlen 8:30 – 8:40 8:40 – 8:50 8:50 – 9:00 9:00 – 9:10 9:10 – 9:20 9:20 – 9:30 9:30 – 9:40 Abbreviation Key: Kt: kitchen; Dr: dress up; H: house/barn/garage; At: art materials; G: game; P: puzzle: B: books; SM: small manipulatives; other (please write in if possible).

16 Samples of Work Periodically collecting samples of children’s work can be used as an assessment tool. Teachers can compare two similar items to see growth. Includes: artwork, photographs, records of conversations, writing samples, completed projects. Authentic assessments.

17 Portfolio – Memory Book Samples of work collected are compiled in one area. Includes projects, artwork, pictures, checklists, rating scales, anecdotal records, and photographs. Historical documentation. Work should be arranged in chronological order. Allows teachers to share growth and experiences with families. Allows families to see non-tangible parts of class.

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